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Breaking changes upgrading Cromwell 51->82 with AWS Batch backend
Hi Everyone, We have updated Cromwell from version 51 to 82 recently, and changed the following line in Dockerfile:
FROM broadinstitute/cromwell:51 --> FROM broadinstitute/cromwell:82
Then we had an issue with the parameter scriptBucketName in aws.conf which seems to be a new parameter introduced. So we modified the aws.conf file as follows:
backend { default = "AWSBATCH" providers { AWSBATCH { actor-factory = "" config {
concurrent-job-limit = 10000
numSubmitAttempts = 6
numCreateDefinitionAttempts = 6
// Base bucket for workflow executions
// A reference to an auth defined in the `aws` stanza at the top. This auth is used to create
// Jobs and manipulate auth JSONs.
auth = "xxxxxx"
default-runtime-attributes {
queueArn: ${AWS_BATCH_QUEUE}
scriptBucketName: "${SCRIPT_BUCKET_NAME}"
filesystems {
s3 {
// A reference to a potentially different auth for manipulating files via engine functions.
auth = "default"
# Emit a warning if jobs last longer than this amount of time. This might indicate that something got stuck in the cloud.
slow-job-warning-time: 3 hours
Q1. What is scriptBucketName ? I know it says in the documentation that it is where the scripts are stored/written by Cromwell. For example, if our root bucket is s3://1234-bla-bla-executor/cromwell-execution, should scriptBucketName be "1234-bla-bla-executor" ? I understand that we are giving the full path in the root bucket, but is it related or completely unrelated to scriptBucketName ?
It looks like Cromwell is able to create script and files in the specified s3 bucket, but it doesn't create or find the executeSql-rc.txt and a whole bunch of other files as well which are there in the workflow.
Q2. Is there anything we need to change in the launch template for AWS Batch backend ?
Currently this is our launch template:
- pip install -U awscli boto3
- scratchPath="/cromwell_root"
- artifactRootUrl=""
- start amazon-ssm-agent
- cd /opt && wget $artifactRootUrl/aws-ebs-autoscale.tgz && tar -xzf aws-ebs-autoscale.tgz
- sh /opt/ebs-autoscale/bin/ $scratchPath /dev/sdc 2>&1 > /var/log/init-ebs-autoscale.log
- cd /opt && wget $artifactRootUrl/aws-ecs-additions.tgz && tar -xzf aws-ecs-additions.tgz
- sed -i '' /opt/ecs-additions/
- sed -i 's#elerch/' /opt/ecs-additions/
- sed -i 's#elerch/' /opt/ecs-additions/
- eval $(/usr/local/bin/aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region xx-xxxxxx-x)
- sh /opt/ecs-additions/
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Old question, but on AWS, try the AWS-tailored fork :