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difficulty reproducing the ABC score of K562's in Nature 2021

Open mirahan opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

Hi, We are trying to reproduce the ABC scores of the K562s (Fulco2019) scores in Nature 2021. We keep getting values that are somewhat correlated but not quite. the first step of candidate enhancer coordinates are also not matching up. We also tried forgoing step 1 and using Fulco2019 enhancer candidate regions instead, but we still were not able to get the same scores. Could you look at our commands and see what we are doing wrong? Thank you for you help.

ln -s juicer_tools.1.7.5_linux_x64_jcuda.0.8.jar juicer_tools.jar

#gather data
cd example_wg/input_data

conda activate final-abc-env
samtools index wgEncodeUwDnaseK562AlnRep1.bam
samtools index wgEncodeUwDnaseK562AlnRep2.bam
samtools index ENCFF384ZZM.bam
cd ../..
cp example_chr22/input_data/Expression/K562.ENCFF934YBO.TPM.txt example_wg/input_data/

#Download hic matrix file from juicebox
python src/ \
--hic_file \
--juicebox "java -jar juicer_tools.jar" \
--outdir example_wg/input_data/HiC/raw/ 

#Fit HiC data to powerlaw model and extract parameters
python src/ \
--hicDir example_wg/input_data/HiC/raw/ \
--outDir example_wg/input_data/HiC/raw/powerlaw/ \
--maxWindow 1000000 \
--minWindow 5000 \
--resolution 5000 

#Define candidate enhancer regions
conda activate macs-py2.7
macs2 callpeak -t example_wg/input_data/wgEncodeUwDnaseK562AlnRep1.bam -n wgEncodeUwDnaseK562AlnRep1.macs2 -f BAM -g hs -p .1 --call-summits  --outdir example_wg/ABC_output/Peaks/
conda activate final-abc-env
bedtools sort -faidx reference/chr_sizes -i  example_wg/ABC_output/Peaks/wgEncodeUwDnaseK562AlnRep1.macs2_peaks.narrowPeak > example_wg/ABC_output/Peaks/wgEncodeUwDnaseK562AlnRep1.macs2_peaks.narrowPeak.sorted

python src/ \
--narrowPeak example_wg/ABC_output/Peaks/wgEncodeUwDnaseK562AlnRep1.macs2_peaks.narrowPeak.sorted \
--bam example_wg/input_data/wgEncodeUwDnaseK562AlnRep1.bam \
--outDir example_wg/ABC_output/Peaks/ \
--chrom_sizes reference/chr_sizes \
--regions_blocklist reference/wgEncodeHg19ConsensusSignalArtifactRegions.bed \
--regions_includelist reference/RefSeqCurated.170308.bed.CollapsedGeneBounds.TSS500bp.bed \
--peakExtendFromSummit 250 \
--nStrongestPeaks 150000

#Quantifying Enhancer Activity
python src/ \
--candidate_enhancer_regions example_wg/ABC_output/Peaks/wgEncodeUwDnaseK562AlnRep1.macs2_peaks.narrowPeak.sorted.candidateRegions.bed \
--genes reference/RefSeqCurated.170308.bed.CollapsedGeneBounds.bed \
--H3K27ac example_wg/input_data/ENCFF384ZZM.bam \
--DHS example_wg/input_data/wgEncodeUwDnaseK562AlnRep1.bam,example_wg/input_data/wgEncodeUwDnaseK562AlnRep2.bam \
--expression_table example_wg/input_data/K562.ENCFF934YBO.TPM.txt \
--chrom_sizes reference/chr_sizes \
--ubiquitously_expressed_genes reference/UbiquitouslyExpressedGenesHG19.txt \
--cellType K562 \
--outdir example_wg/ABC_output/Neighborhoods/ 

#Computing the ABC Score
python src/ \
--enhancers example_wg/ABC_output/Neighborhoods/EnhancerList.txt \
--genes example_wg/ABC_output/Neighborhoods/GeneList.txt \
--HiCdir example_wg/input_data/HiC/raw/ \
--chrom_sizes reference/chr_sizes \
--hic_resolution 5000 \
--scale_hic_using_powerlaw \
--threshold .02 \
--cellType K562 \
--outdir example_wg/ABC_output/Predictions/ \
--make_all_putative \
--chromosome chr1,chr2,chr3,chr4,chr5,chr6,chr7,chr8,chr10,chr11,chr12,chr13,chr14,chr15,chr16,chr17,chr18,chr19,chr20,chr21,chr22,chrX

mirahan avatar Sep 24 '21 23:09 mirahan

The neighborhoods and predictions should have several values stored in them (base activity, DHS, H3K27ac, HiC contact). Can you tell which values are diverging?

thouis avatar Sep 25 '21 00:09 thouis

First the candidate enhancer coordinates are slightly shifted, so I can't compare the results directly if I run from step1. Below the first coordinates are from Fulco2019.STable6a, the second are the coordinates that I get from running step 1.

chrX	49969065	49969605	chrX	49968988	49969615	540
chrX	50191545	50192045	chrX	50191430	50191930	385
chrX	50191545	50192045	chrX	50191430	50191930	385
chrX	50191545	50192045	chrX	50191430	50191930	385
chrX	50191545	50192045	chrX	50191430	50191930	385
chrX	50322885	50323405	chrX	50322906	50323406	499
chrX	50322885	50323405	chrX	50322906	50323406	499
chrX	50322885	50323405	chrX	50322906	50323406	499
chrX	50322885	50323405	chrX	50322906	50323406	499
chrX	55054662	55054701	chrX	55054464	55054964	39

So, to make the results comparable, I take the Fulco2019 Stable6 coordinates and replace any of my candidates that overlap with the coordinates from Fulco2019. the comparisons are based on these candidates with overlaps replaced. It looks like the hiC scores are a bit less consistent compare to others. they are generally all well correlated but combined, the final abc only correlated by .88 Here are the general comparisons across the intermediate scores for those reported in Stable6:

> summary(compare)
                      chr.start.end_Gene Normalized_HiC_Contacts
 chr1:29210606-29210645_EPB41  :   1     Min.   :  0.1808       
 chr1:29211591-29211630_EPB41  :   1     1st Qu.:  1.2750       
 chr1:3691278-3691778_CEP104   :   1     Median :  3.0222       
 chr1:3691278-3691778_LRRC47   :   1     Mean   :  6.9145       
 chr1:3691278-3691778_SMIM1    :   1     3rd Qu.:  7.1418       
 chr10:127505227-127505304_UROS:   1     Max.   :100.0000       
 (Other)                       :5079                            
    DHS.RPM.         H3K27ac.RPM.         Activity         ABC_Score        
 Min.   : 0.02231   Min.   :  0.0000   Min.   : 0.0000   Min.   :0.0000000  
 1st Qu.: 1.32220   1st Qu.:  0.4094   1st Qu.: 0.8527   1st Qu.:0.0001706  
 Median : 2.70907   Median :  1.4331   Median : 1.9162   Median :0.0007154  
 Mean   : 5.91887   Mean   :  4.2879   Mean   : 4.4218   Mean   :0.0043124  
 3rd Qu.: 6.91047   3rd Qu.:  4.7086   3rd Qu.: 5.7820   3rd Qu.:0.0029054  
 Max.   :78.25537   Max.   :125.5971   Max.   :98.8760   Max.   :0.3227859  
  hic_contact          DHS.RPM         H3K27ac.RPM       activity_base    
 Min.   :0.000000   Min.   : 0.0000   Min.   :  0.0000   Min.   : 0.0000  
 1st Qu.:0.000418   1st Qu.: 0.8789   1st Qu.:  0.4094   1st Qu.: 0.6994  
 Median :0.001285   Median : 1.7777   Median :  1.4329   Median : 1.5615  
 Mean   :0.003158   Mean   : 3.7926   Mean   :  4.2764   Mean   : 3.5277  
 3rd Qu.:0.003174   3rd Qu.: 4.4390   3rd Qu.:  4.8103   3rd Qu.: 4.6668  
 Max.   :0.068595   Max.   :50.1438   Max.   :125.5808   Max.   :79.3542  
 Min.   :0.000000  
 1st Qu.:0.000312  
 Median :0.000993  
 Mean   :0.003518  
 3rd Qu.:0.003118  
 Max.   :0.229734  
> cor(compare$Normalized_HiC_Contacts, compare$hic_contact)
[1] 0.9589006
> cor(compare$DHS.RPM., compare$DHS.RPM)
[1] 0.983397
> cor(compare$H3K27ac.RPM., compare$H3K27ac.RPM)
[1] 0.9625272
> cor(compare$Activity, compare$activity_base)
[1] 0.9648836
> cor(compare$ABC_Score, compare$ABC.Score)
[1] 0.8818009

mirahan avatar Sep 25 '21 18:09 mirahan

I believe that the results from Fulco 2019 cannot be directly reproduced from the main branch of the code. I believe that Joe Nasser explained why in previous help thread in the github.

If you want to reproduce the Fulco 2019 results, there is a separate branch:

Otherwise, we recommend using the main branch.

On Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 11:11 AM mirahan @.***> wrote:

here are the pairwise plots if it helps. http://url

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-- Jesse Engreitz, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics BASE Research Initiative, Betty Irene Moore Children’s Heart Center Stanford University School of Medicine +1 (206) 310-3935

engreitz avatar Sep 25 '21 19:09 engreitz