SwipeableRecyclerView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SwipeableRecyclerView copied to clipboard

Implementation of an Android CardView list in a RecyclerView that allows dismissing/deleting elements by swiping them to the left or right.

Android SwipeableRecyclerView

Based on romannurik`s Android-SwipeToDismiss.

Sample project implementation of a single column list of CardViews in a RecyclerView with a TouchListener that allows dismissing of elements by swiping the elements to the left or right.

Output sample

How to use

  • Add these Gradle dependencies to your app's module:

    dependencies {
        // already includes 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:23.1.1'
        compile 'com.github.brnunes:swipeablerecyclerview:1.0.2'
        // only necessary if you are using CardView
        compile 'com.android.support:cardview-v7:23.1.1'

The RecyclerView and CardView widgets are part of the v7 Support Libraries.

  • Instantiate a SwipeableRecyclerViewTouchListener passing as parameters the RecyclerView and a SwipeableRecyclerViewTouchListener.SwipeListener that will receive the callbacks.

  • Add the instantiated SwipeableRecyclerViewTouchListener as a RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener.

    SwipeableRecyclerViewTouchListener swipeTouchListener =
            new SwipeableRecyclerViewTouchListener(mRecyclerView,
                    new SwipeableRecyclerViewTouchListener.SwipeListener() {
                        public boolean canSwipeLeft(int position) {
                            return true;
                        public boolean canSwipeRight(int position) {
                            return true;
                        public void onDismissedBySwipeLeft(RecyclerView recyclerView, int[] reverseSortedPositions) {
                            for (int position : reverseSortedPositions) {
                        public void onDismissedBySwipeRight(RecyclerView recyclerView, int[] reverseSortedPositions) {
                            for (int position : reverseSortedPositions) {