Mikhail Brinskiy
Mikhail Brinskiy
## What Ignore path indexes when adding new lane and there is existing non-bw lane with the same tl resources ## Why ? The problem shown on the picture below...
## What Fixes BW reporting for RoCE LAGs ## Why ? For UCT users to get correct BW characteristics for RoCE LAG tls
## What Add tag offload rendezvous and offload via sw rndv protocols for protov2 infrastructure
## What Save map of remote to local md indexes in the ep config ## Why ? To fix wrong MD index usage, when remote md index is used to...
### Describe the bug https://dev.azure.com/ucfconsort/ucx/_build/results?buildId=50521&view=logs&j=f97d6e39-20b4-5224-cb57-ac6707fa3b18&t=65630ad1-e2d8-5140-3757-25a4f549d6a1 ``` 2022-09-10T19:47:14.5269298Z [ RUN ] shm_ib/test_ucp_am_nbx_send_copy_header.all_protos/3 2022-09-10T19:47:14.8133395Z [ INFO ] header length 8 data length 8 2022-09-10T19:47:14.8356245Z [ INFO ] header length 8 data length...
## What Initial support for offloading communication to DPU using exported memh feature ## How ? The way to start a benchmark is: - Run daemons on client and server...
## What Fix UCP AM multi-eager protocols for protoV2 ## Why When reporting maximal allowed AM header size to the user, we consider the minimal UCT fragment size among all...
## What This test provokes a data validation failure in CI To be extended with the fix for that failure
## What Print errno when mremap fails ## Why Better debugging experience
## What Test wire-compatibility with 1.17 branch