Bertrand Rioux
Bertrand Rioux
@sichen1234 These two functions (`process_electricity` and `getCO2EmissionByActivity`) expect inputs (`ElectricityActivity` and `ActivityInterface`) that do not align with what Fabric chaincode requests from an organization, i.e. [`recordEmissions(utilityId ....`]( The chaincode requires...
@Ackintya keep in mind irrespective of the source DB and method used, results should be converted into a general type validated by the Oracle based on the requirements of the...
@Ackintya to avoid having to change the Fabric chaincode **FOR NOW**, you can setup a new function, e.g., `getCO2emissionsByUilityId(utilityId, thruDate, activity_uom, activity_amount)` It requires only the `utilityId`, uuid of utility_lookup_item...
Token types recap 1. Renewable Energy Certificate (Fungible) 2. Carbon Emissions Offset (Fungible/semi-fungible ?) - used downstream 3. Audited Emissions (Non-fungible) - used midstream/downstream 4. Carbon token/tracker (Fungible) - used...
@sichen1234 thanks for the feedback. Responses: 1. yes and referenced within a traditional bill of sales/receipt. 2. Yes for a power plant but not true for many industries that partially...
as pointed out by my colleague this extended token ecosystem supports forensic carbon accounting. Forensic Accounting Carbon Tokens (FACTs)
@NothingToContribute I have thought of this. I think what your are describing is already in the works. - The supply side carbon token is scope 3 downstream - yet to...
@sichen1234 The transfer of total emissions (for E&P and or other industrial fuel processing) to consumers is based on need, application and optics in the carbon cycle: 1. Needs to...
@sichen1234 I'll dig for some refs on lifecycle emissions of plastics. Regarding realized emission of residual carbon (plastic) tokens. As with fuel, burning is an option of the holder(s). Accumulation...
Resolved in PR referenced above