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Getting 400 error when try play album on web
Hi I am using a premium account for Spotify i am getting errors to play albums in web working fine on both ios and android
get token work fine because I am calling spotify API with token work fine I am getting list of albums First I am getting token for this method work fine await SpotifySdk.getAccessToken( clientId: dotenv.env['CLIENT_ID'].toString(), redirectUrl: dotenv.env['REDIRECT_URL'].toString(), scope: scope ) then connect also work fine with this await SpotifySdk.connectToSpotifyRemote( clientId: dotenv.env['CLIENT_ID'].toString(), redirectUrl: dotenv.env['REDIRECT_URL'].toString()) when I'm trying play Future
play(String albumLink) async { try { var music = await albumLink); print("$music"); } on PlatformException catch (e) { } on MissingPluginException {
} } its given 400 error please anyone guide me how to do in web bcx for mobile work fine thanks