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Technical documentation source pages for all Brilliant products. Check out the live documentation site here:

Brilliant Docs - Source

This site is built with Jekyll and Just the Docs. It's all hosted here on GitHub using the GitHub's Pages feature.

If you spot any errors in our documentation, feel free to make an issue.

If you'd like to do some extensive editing, you can also fork/clone this repository and view the pages live editing.

To set it up:

  1. Ensure you have Ruby installed. On MacOS, ruby is already installed and ready to go.

  2. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  3. Set up the environment:

    cd docs
    bundle install
  4. Open the project in your browser:

    bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload --open-url

That's it! As you edit the pages. The website will automatically refresh. Be sure to keep an eye on your terminal to spot any error messages while you're developing.