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CSS-in-JS-generator copied to clipboard

A tool to generate trendy CSS-in-JS files from regular CSS.

Results 7 CSS-in-JS-generator issues
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On line 3073 the definition for inputGroup references formControl before it is defined. This causes the wrong selector to be used. Look like this is because the rule on line...

So `.form-check-label` no longer has it's own styling, only related styles depending on the sibling input. This creates a rather strange bit of output! ``` js &:disabled ~ .form-check-label, &[disabled]...

It'd be really nice to run `npx css-in-js-generator out.js`

Error using with emotion 10 - emotion not in dependencies With emotion 10 import is @emotion/core

In the following [example](https://transform.now.sh/css-to-emotion/), the transformer demonstrates the following rule: ``` .alert-dismissible .close { position: relative; top: -0.75rem; right: -1.25rem; padding: 0.75rem 1.25rem; color: inherit; } ``` being converted into:...

``` .display2 { color: 'red'; } .display-2 { font-size: 5.5rem; font-weight: 300; line-height: 1.1; } ``` These seem to generate the same class name in JS: ``` export const display2...