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Add Apparent Temperature
New Feature
I always wanted a better 'feels like temperature' that incorporates sun light, I finally found it. I just didn't know it was call apparent temperature.
def calculate_apparent_temperature(temperature, relative_humidity, wind_speed, solar_radiation):
# Constants
T = temperature # Air Temperature
rh = relative_humidity # relative humidity
v = wind_speed # Wind speed
Sr = solar_radiation # Solar Radiation
# Apparent temperature calculation
e = 6.11 * math.pow(10, (7.5 * T) / (237.3 + T)) * rh # Vapor pressure
w = 0.62198 * e / (273.16 + T) #Humidity index
AT = T + 0.348 * e - 0.7 * v + 0.7 * Sr # Apparent temperature formula
return AT
Additional context
I won't overload you with PRs at this time. I will wait until 'Current Conditions' is done. This is just the bulk of the calculation, making it pretty comes later.
oh, we could do vapor pressure and humidity index as their own sensors also. I did see that you had vapor pressure in your original UDP repository but I don't see it here, is there a reason or just forgot?
Updated, still testing. Waiting for an 80F day.
// Apparent Temperature: The perceived temperature in degrees Fahrenheit derived from either a combination of temperature and wind (Wind Chill) or temperature and humidity (Heat Index) for the indicated hour. When the temperature at a particular grid point falls to 50 F or less, wind chill will be used for that point for the Apparent Temperature. When the temperature at a grid point rises above 80 F, the heat index will be used for Apparent Temperature. Between 51 and 80 F, the Apparent Temperature will be the ambient air temperature
// https://meteor.geol.iastate.edu/~ckarsten/bufkit/apparent_temperature.html
T = msg.temperature
rh = msg.humidity
v = msg.wind_speed
sr = msg.sr // Solar Radiation
wind_chill = msg.wind_chill
c1 = -42.38
c2 = 2.049
c3 = 10.14
c4 = -0.2248
c5 = -0.006838
c6 = -0.05482
c7 = 0.001228
c8 = 0.0008528
c9 = -0.00000199
HI = c1 + c2*T + c3*rh + c4*T*rh + c5*T*T + c6*rh*rh + c7*T*T*rh + c8*T*rh*rh + c9*T*T*rh*rh
if (T <= 50) {
AT = wind_chill;
} else if (T <= 80){
AT = T;
} else{
AT = HI;
AT = Math.round(AT*100)/100
//AT = (Math.round(((AT * 1.8) + 32)*100))/100
msg.payload = AT
return msg;