codified icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
codified copied to clipboard



Facilitates objects "codification".

At the moment, the main application of this library is making it easier to encode and decode enum classes in a forward compatible way.

Installation and usage

First, make sure Maven Central is in your repositories block in Gradle build script.

repositories {


Add the following dependency in order to access CodifiedEnum class.


CodifiedEnum is a sealed class which represents either "known" or "unknown" enum type depending on the code it is represented by. For example:

enum class Fruit(override val code: String) : Codified<String> {

val codifiedAppleFromEnum: CodifiedEnum<Fruit, String> = Fruit.APPLE.codifiedEnum()
val codifiedAppleFromString: CodifiedEnum<Fruit, String> = "Apple".codifiedEnum()
val codifiedCherry: CodifiedEnum<Fruit, String> = "Cherry".codifiedEnum()

Assertions.assertEquals(Fruit.APPLE, codifiedAppleFromEnum.knownOrNull())
Assertions.assertEquals(Fruit.APPLE, codifiedAppleFromString.knownOrNull())
Assertions.assertEquals(Fruit.APPLE.code, codifiedAppleFromEnum.code())
Assertions.assertEquals(Fruit.APPLE.code, codifiedAppleFromString.code())
Assertions.assertEquals(codifiedAppleFromEnum, codifiedAppleFromString)
Assertions.assertNotEquals(codifiedAppleFromEnum, codifiedCherry)
Assertions.assertEquals("Cherry", codifiedCherry.code())

when (val orange = "Orange".codifiedEnum<Fruit>()) {
    is CodifiedEnum.Known -> when (orange.value) {
        Fruit.APPLE -> TODO()
    is CodifiedEnum.Unknown -> TODO()

CodifiedEnum serialization


Add the following dependency in order to access CodifiedEnum serializer using Kotlin serialization.


Add CodifiedSerializer object for your enum class to handle both known and unknown enum types.

enum class Fruit(override val code: String) : Codified<String> {

    object CodifiedSerializer : KSerializer<CodifiedEnum<Fruit, String>> by codifiedEnumSerializer()

data class FruitWrapper(
    @Serializable(with = Fruit.CodifiedSerializer::class)
    val fruit: CodifiedEnum<Fruit, String>

val json = Json(JsonConfiguration.Stable)

val wrapperWithApple = FruitWrapper(Fruit.APPLE.codifiedEnum())
val string = json.stringify(FruitWrapper.serializer(), wrapperWithApple)
Assertions.assertEquals("{\"fruit\":\"Apple\"}", string)

val jsonWithApple = "{\"fruit\":\"Apple\"}"
val wrapperFromJsonWithApple = json.parse(FruitWrapper.serializer(), jsonWithApple)
Assertions.assertEquals(Fruit.APPLE, wrapperFromJsonWithApple.fruit.knownOrNull())

val jsonWithOrange = "{\"fruit\":\"Orange\"}"
val wrapperFromJsonWithOrange = json.parse(FruitWrapper.serializer(), jsonWithOrange)
Assertions.assertEquals("Orange", wrapperFromJsonWithOrange.fruit.code())

When CodifiedEnum is a parameter of a collection such as List, @Serializable should be applied to CodifiedEnum - inside the collection type:

data class FoodBasket(
    val fruits: List<@Serializable(with = Fruit.CodifiedSerializer::class) CodifiedEnum<Fruit, String>>,
    val vegetables: List<@Serializable(with = Vegetable.CodifiedSerializer::class) CodifiedEnum<Vegetable, String>>


Add this dependency:


and register the TypeAdapterFactory for CodifiedEnum:

val gson = GsonBuilder()