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feat(azure): add CKV_AZUREPIPELINES_4 preventing malicious setting of system variables via user defined input
"Ensure a task enforces settableVariables to prevent malicious user input overriding system vars."
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From: (Search settableVariables
"" Because pipeline variables are exported as environment variables to subsequent tasks, tasks that output user-provided data (for example, the contents of open issues retrieved from a REST API) can be vulnerable to injection attacks. Such user content can set environment variables that can in turn be used to exploit the agent host. To disallow this, pipeline authors can explicitly declare which variables are settable via the settableVariable command. Specifying an empty list disallows setting all variables. ""
Example (Azure Docs)
# this task will fail because the task is only allowed to set the 'expectedVar' variable, or a variable prefixed with "ok"
- task: PowerShell@2
commands: restricted
- expectedVar
- ok*
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=BadVar]myValue"
This check ensures that any job/stage with a Bash or Powershell component has also defined a settableVariables
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Hey @metahertz , is it still needed?
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