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Upload Visual Studio Code extension to Open VSX
Describe the issue
As stated in the Archlinux Wiki, the open-source builds of VSCode (Code, VSCodium) don't have access to Microsoft's Marketplace. Instead, they use the Open VSX registry.
To increase Checkov's extension visibility, and facilitate users' experience, I suggest uploading Checkov's VSCode extension to the Open VSX registry.
@schosterbarak @nimrodkor any comments on this? Should be reasonably simple to set up, and would greatly benefit users of open-source builds of VSCode.
Thanks for contributing to Checkov! We've automatically marked this issue as stale to keep our issues list tidy, because it has not had any activity for 6 months. It will be closed in 14 days if no further activity occurs. Commenting on this issue will remove the stale tag. If you want to talk through the issue or help us understand the priority and context, feel free to add a comment or join us in the Checkov slack channel at Thanks!
Closing issue due to inactivity. If you feel this is in error, please re-open, or reach out to the community via slack: Thanks!
The issue should stay open, given that the extension wasn't uploaded to Open VSX yet.
Hello! Are there any plans to add Checkov to Open-VSX? It would benefit every user of VSCodium. Thank you for all your splendid work!