editor copied to clipboard
Renaming files fails
Hello, I found 2 bugs. -1: Bug with folder/file renaming. Bridge does not save the changed file/folder name. Video below ↓ https://youtube.com/shorts/r8RG4dvrJMM?feature=share
-2: The bug is that the bridge cannot delete files from the modification. Video also below ↓ https://youtu.be/jAxyQ9Ok54U
- OS: [WEB Chrome / Android 11]
- App Version: [2.3.1]
I cannot reproduce the second error but maybe that one was already fixed by the commit fixing #573
Thanks for the great bug report (including the videos) btw! That was extremely helpful :)
The bugs remain... Video below ↓ https://youtu.be/ae3842NZbYE
Chrome browser version:
We did not roll out a new update yet.
Oh, I'm sorry... XD
Thanks for the app :)
Np, v2.3.2 is rolling out now.
Ok, I'll wait :3
Greetings, there is no more bug with deleting files! But the bug with renaming files remained. Bridge never renames files. Video : https://youtu.be/gE3ObJs09gE Thanks
We fixed a few issues with our file system with v2.3.5. Can you take a look at whether your issue is fixed now?
Good evening. Yes, I took a video. But the file renaming error remained, maybe it's a problem with my smartphone...? I don't even know ._."
Thank you!
@Joelant05 I cannot reproduce this issue on my phone, can you try reproducing it when you find the time?
Small bump @Joelant05
Yeah sure. I completely missed this, will take a look now
I can reproduce the issue, it may be related to the issue we had with the tree editor inputs, since the keyboard shows "Next" instead of the regular enter button. Clicking off instead of pressing "Next" has the same issue also.
Oh, that's a good catch. Thanks a lot! Let me hack together a PR real quick :D