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A framework for Bayesian mixing models in R:
Hi, I am trying to reconstruct the diet of gulls (3 source groups as means and SD, and 3 isotopes) classified in 10 groups (years). Individuals are not repeatedly tracked,...
**EDIT on 25-02-2020:** The error occurs within the function jags.model() at line 76 with the following content: `.Call("compile", p, data, as.integer(n.chains), TRUE, PACKAGE = "rjags")` _The call-stack, i.e. the previously...
Hi, I've been using MixSIAR for a bit now and thought I've gotten comfortable with the code. The model was running fine for a few data sets but I keep...
Hi there, I've been running MixSIAR successfully using the GUI just to try things out and get a feel for it. After making sure everything was running I tried using...
Hello all; Have been wading through a plethora of model outputs (primarily run through the GUI, but some through scripts)... I am now hoping to compare credible intervals across model...
I know we looked at jags.parallel before as a way to run chains in parallel. I have been playing around with this recently. I found this blog post example comparing...
Dear Brian In your Cladocera Example, it says that "this will fit the “process error” model of MixSIR, which we MUST do when we only have one mix datapoint (or...
Hi Brian, I'm just wondering whether it's possible to plot the diet proportions vs a continuous variable after sources have been combined a posteriori? I've tried substituting the combined object...
For some of my sources I only have 1 sample. When I draw the isospace plot many error messages are given, and the single sources are not located correctly on...
Hi Brian, How do you run the model using raw source data and experimentally derived TDF values for each prey type? I have only been able to get the model...