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CI: Use stable Rust for source-based code coverage measurement

Open briansmith opened this issue 7 months ago • 3 comments

Rust 1.76 is scheduled to be released on Feburary 8th, 2024. Assuming it continues to include the change in https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/118100, we should switch all the coverage jobs in ci.yml to use Rust Stable instead of Rust Nightly.

briansmith avatar Jan 13 '24 00:01 briansmith

See also #1903 about using llvm-tools-preview for processing the code coverage data, instead of external llvm-tools.

briansmith avatar Jan 14 '24 01:01 briansmith

@briansmith if this issue is still open, please assign this issue to me. Thanks

Raghav-Bell avatar Mar 03 '24 05:03 Raghav-Bell

@Raghav-Bell Thanks! I have assigned it to you. I also submitted the last change related to this that I had locally: PR #1984.

briansmith avatar Mar 03 '24 19:03 briansmith