md-color-picker copied to clipboard
Angular-Material based color picker
how to show selected color in page when in edit case
most of the Option Object name are not working , spacially the hiding tabs options , default color ... and many others
i hope to get answer for my Question ! im work in meteor project ( Rocket Chat ) and i need to add font color for user msgs in input...
Whether I include faker ( in my bower.min build or I use it as karma-faker plugin it generates an error: > Uncaught ReferenceError: tinycolor is not defined > at data/static/build/bower.js:160527
This obviously isn't a bug with this directive but on line 768 you are looping through the app's material palette and have the backgroundColor set to the 3 RGB values...
I believe I've identified two minor bugs, for which I also include patches against the develop branch, in case you want to apply them. 1. When specifying alphaChannel as false,...
Hi there, I was wondering if there is a way to import the package using ES6 module loaders, I am attempting to use it with Meteor with no success. Thanks...
I have installed md-color-picker through **npm**. My .js file does not contain all the features you have in v0.2.6. I noticed that files in your master branch are not the...
Hi! color picker not selecting properly in ionic framework on the tablet. Any help? Thanks!!!