charlock_holmes copied to clipboard cannot open shared object file
Hi everybody, I tried to use this gem within my development environment (mac osx, installed icu4c from source), and everything worked just fine.
On staging environment, though, the gem installed fine, but whenever I run a rake task this is what i get: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - /path/to/my/app/shared/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/charlock_holmes-0.6.8/ext/charlock_holmes/
I tried building the gem specifyng a path (I set it to the place where lives) as explained in the readme, but no luck :(
Does anyone know what's going on?
What I don't understand is why the gem installation doesn't give errors even if i build it with a non existing path or with no path at all...
I tried :
- bundle install
- bundle config build.charlock_holmes --with-icu-dir=/usr/local/lib/icu/current; bundle install
- bundle config build.charlock_holmes --with-icu-dir=/a/path/that/does/not/even/exist; bundle install
No one of those tries gave errors, but running rake tasks yielded the aforementioned error.
I even tried with different versions of icu (all compiled from source), but no luck...
For us it worked once we pointed the icu-dir to /usr/local/lib
You probably aren't having this problem anymore, but perhaps others are (I just got this error).
My (overkill) solution was to reinstall the bundle: mv /home/git/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby /home/git/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby.orig sudo -u git -H bundle install --deployment --without development test postgres aws
Thanks @aberndsen This worked for me :)
I found this same error after upgrading from Ubuntu 12.04 to Ubuntu 14.04.
I'll tell you in a while if this also works ok for me.
Thanks for sharing,
Hi all,
I applied your suggestion from @aberndsen and it also worked for me.
Finally executed:
sudo service gitlab restart
showed me finally:
The GitLab Unicorn web server with pid 20369 is running.
The GitLab Sidekiq job dispatcher with pid 20403 is running.
GitLab and all its components are up and running.
And world is again a nice place to live in!
Thank you!
My error is similar but not exactly the same...
bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/charlock_holmes-0.7.3/lib/charlock_holmes.rb:1:in `require': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - bundle/ruby/2.1.0/extensions/x86_64-linux/2.1.0/charlock_holmes-0.7.3/charlock_holmes/ (LoadError)
This happens in my staging environment after upgrade to ubuntu 14.04. Not sure the above fix is best to apply as part of my deploy...
@aberndsen's fix worked for us too after upgrading Ubuntu to 14.04. However since we use postgresql, we had to switch the command to:
sudo -u git -H bundle install --deployment --without development test mysql aws
For us it was a capistrano and capistrano-bundler issue.
capistrano changed the default location where it installs the gems and capistrano-bundler hasn't updated yet.
Adding this to our deploy.rb fixed the issue permanently for us:
set :bundle_path, -> { shared_path.join('vendor/bundle') }
I started having this issue after updating my DigitalOcean droplet to ubuntu 14.04. Solution suggested by @aberndsen worked for me.
However, I had to solve a little issue related to modernizr before running this second command:
sudo -u git -H bundle install --deployment --without development test postgres aws
Solution to that modernizr issue was the second one suggested here:
Thanks @aberndsen This worked for me too. Ubuntu 12.04 after apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
I was having this issue after upgrading from ubuntu 12 to 14 and what fixed it for me was to:
- sudo rm -fr vendor/bundle
- sudo -u git RAILS_ENV=production bundle install
Thanks @sebastianconcept. This worked for me.
Thanks @sebastianconcept.
Thanks @aberndsen that helped me
spot on @sebastianconcept! :+1: Thx a lot! ;-)
Thanks @sebastianconcept.
@sebastianconcept thank you. only your solution worked after upgradeing fom Debian7 to Debian8
@aberndsen thanks your comment solve my problem, the same symptom, upgrading ubuntu from 12.04 to 14.04.