Results 42 issues of Brian Hogg

**NOTE: Verify we also want to create the Course and Membership catalog pages, as this may stop the taxonomy page from working if that's what the user setup** ## Description...

## Description Since a couple version of WP ago, reusable blocks are now Synced by default. Make them unsynced on new installs so they can be edited more easily. Note...

### Reproduction Steps 1. Install and Activate the Classic Editor plugin 2. Under Courses, click Clone on a course 3. Go to the Edit screen for the cloned course 4....

Most LMS and eCommerce plugins automatically add pages required for the checkout or account experience on activation without prompting. - [ ] On first activation, create the Course Catalog, Membership...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When the Setup Wizard isn't completed, or a required part of the setup has changed (ie. the Checkout page is...

**Is your enhancement related to a problem? Please describe.** I'm looking to use the action to upload a zip when a Github release is created, but it needs to be...

## Steps to reproduce 1. Run `slic php-version set 8.1` 2. Response `yes` to restart the stack now ## Expected Stack images are restarted successfully ## Actual ``` PHP version...

## Description Adds core media protection capability, and adds protection to files uploaded to Quiz "content" and "picture choice" question types. ## How has this been tested? Manually. ## Screenshots...

## Description Fixes # ## How has this been tested? ## Screenshots ## Types of changes ## Checklist: - [ ] This PR requires and contains at least one changelog...

### Reproduction Steps 1. Activate a default theme like Twenty Twenty Four 2. Enable reviews on a Course 3. View the course ### Expected Behavior Review form appears similar to...