Brian Gonzalez
Brian Gonzalez
You essentially want to "Restore & Delete"?
@rwilhelm Thanks for the issue! When did this start?
Since it's just an electron app with some node deps, it should theoretically work fine.
@benjatron Do you have a link to said tools?
If you'd be willing to have a go on the command line and are happy with the output, we can add it in. Mind giving it a shot?
@alanyin0322 do you have macosx dark mode enabled? also, looks like you might have hidden files shown, too. is this correct?
@luco We most likely won't have time to tackle this, but would be happy to guide someone in the process of submitting a PR. Cheers!
I think the best approach is to switch it over from OTF to TTF, which I believe is more widely used anyways.
Also, thanks for the report!