Running SCAM with the GNU compilers with DEBUG=TRUE results in an error in CESM 2.2, but works in CESM 2.1.3. Tested on Cheyenne: CESM 2.1.3, Intel compiler, DEBUG=FALSE - works...
Adds a broadcast of the namelist value (urbantvmapalgo) after reading it in so it is consistent across all ranks when not using the default value ('nn'). ### Description of changes...
### Brief summary of bug This is a very simple bug that likely is never encountered in practice, but was hit while investigating an issue scaling CTSM out to large...
### Issue Type Infrastructure Update ### Issue Description Will be updating the gray radiation scheme (Frierson) to be CCPP-compliant. ### Will this change answers? I Don't Know ### Will you...
### Issue Type Infrastructure Update ### Issue Description Will be updating the physics_dme_adjust code to be CCPP-compliant. ### Will this change answers? I Don't Know ### Will you be implementing...
### Issue Type Code Clean-up ### Issue Description We had an older, outdated way of computing a log-gamma value. This switches it to use the F2008 intrinsic. I ran one...
As the title says, the very high resolution runs often have single variables that exceed the limitations of the 64-bit 'offset' mode in NetCDF. I'll submit a PR momentarily that...