Brian de Alwis

Results 167 comments of Brian de Alwis

Oops, I should have marked this as "draft". It compiles on my macbook, but I hadn't actually tried running the real tests. These `cannot find symbol: org.eclipse.swt.*` indicate that we're...

The _Package Explorer_ will be going away and will be replaced by the _Project Explorer_. But otherwise :+1: — I'm surprised there isn't already such a _Web Resources_ content provider.

The package explorer is owned by JDT and wasn't designed to be extensible, and hence the development of the Common Naviator framework and the Project Explorer.

M2Eclipse projects provide a _Deployed Resources_ content block that shows the folders whose contents are mapped to the resulting .war root directory. It can be a bit confusing in that...

_Update: The original explanation wasn't quite correct_ So that _Stopping_ job is [waiting for the server to be marked as stopped]( using a Java monitor. There's [a server listener]( that...

While writing up a bug against WTP, I did some more digging and discovered that my hypothesis is incorrect. It turns out [we stop the server]( when there are module...

So I've been going round and round on this for a bit trying to figure out the right way to do this. Deleting a web-module project triggers the WTP-JST `JavaEEServerRefRefactorParticipant`...

I *suspect* this setup evolved with the following in mind: 1. publishing-tasks: turn projects into properly exploded WARs 2. publisher-delegates: create a server config 3. `publishModules()`: push up the exploded...