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Sample from mixture of VonMises distribution.(Ungiven Float64)
Hello, I’m a student majoring in biology in Japan. I usually use Python so I'm very new to Julia...
I am trying to fit my experimental data(~400,000 angles, -pi ~ +pi bimodal) with mixture of von mises distribution. I want to predict the parameters(mu, kappa, weights) and the number of components.
# Dict{Symbol,Any} with 1 entry:
:angle => ....
Below is the model I want to describe.
kappa1 ~ Gamma(alpha=1., beta=1.0)
kappa2 ~ Gamma(alpha=1., beta=1.0)
mu1 ~ VonMises(mu=0, kappa=0.5)
mu2 ~ VonMises(mu=pi, kappa=0.5)
w ~ Dirichlet([0.5, 0.5])
y ~ w[1]*VonMIses(mu=mu1, kappa=kappa1) + w[2]*VonMises(mu=mu2, kappa=kappa2)
What I want is a posterior distribution of kappa, mu, and weights. From the previous post : Incompatible Initial Value?, it looks like I'm specifying a wrong dimension to those parameters. However, I can't figure out which code I must fix...
Any suggestions are welcomed. I'm sorry for very basic qustion. Thank you in advance.
The following is my code.
using Mamba
using Distributions
model = Model(
kappa1 = Stochastic(1,
() -> Gamma(1, 1),
kappa2 = Stochastic(1,
() -> Gamma(1, 1),
mu1 = Stochastic(1,
() -> VonMises(0, 0.5),
mu2 = Stochastic(1,
() -> VonMises(π, 0.5),
w = Stochastic(1,
() -> Dirichlet(ones(2))
y = Stochastic(1,
(mu1, mu2, kappa1, kappa2) ->
MixtureModel([VonMises(mu1, kappa1), VonMises(mu2, kappa2)], w),
scheme = [NUTS([:y, :kappa1, :kappa2, :mu1, :mu2, :w])]
setsamplers!(model, scheme)
inits = [
Dict{Symbol, Any}(
:y => data[:angle],
:kappa1 => rand(Gamma(1, 1)),
:kappa2 => rand(Gamma(1, 1)),
:mu1 => rand(VonMises(0, 0.5)),
:mu2 => rand(VonMises(π, 0.5)),
:w => [0.5, 0.5]
## MCMC Simulations
nuts_inference = mcmc(model, data, inits, 5000, burnin=1000, thin=2, chains=1)
ArgumentError: incompatible initial value for node : kappa2
I've now encountered another error. Details are in MCMC of mixture model using Mamba (Julia discourse).
Sorry for the late response. This appears to be a problem with Distributions package (the VonMises distribution) and parameter checking. I will look into it today and file a pull request if I can fix it.
Thank you so much for your reply. I'm sorry for the late response. I'm glad if it's fixed.