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Mixtures. The Jain-Neal split-merge samplers
Dear Mamba users,
I wonder if it is possible to include the Jain-Neal split-merge samplers in order to do a nonparametric Bayesian mixture and/or Bayesian clustering as @jwmi does with BayesianMixtures.jl for mixture of finite mixtures. Maybe the best way to do that it would be to incorporate the BayesianMixtures.jl as sampling function ... but I don't know if that thing is possible.
Here a reproducible example in order to do inference, a three components mixture of 2D Gaussians.
- The dataset
using Mamba
spread = 5
mu_0 = zeros(2)
mu_1 = spread*ones(2)
mu_2 = -spread*ones(2)
sigma_0 = [1.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0]
sigma_1 = [2.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0]
sigma_2 = [2.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0]
X = MixtureModel(MvNormal, [(mu_0, sigma_0), (mu_1, sigma_1), (mu_2, sigma_2),
], [0.2, 0.2, 0.6])
data = Dict{Symbol, Any}(
:y => rand(X, 100)'
- The model using Mamba.jl
data[:N] = size(data[:y])[1]
data[:K] = 3
data[:alpha] = ones(data[:K])
data[:mean] = ones(2)
data[:var] = eye(2)
data[:P0] = [200.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0]
model = Model(
P = Stochastic(1,
alpha -> Dirichlet(alpha)
T = Stochastic(1,
(N, P) -> UnivariateDistribution[Categorical(P) for i in 1:N],
mu = Stochastic(2,
(K, mu0, sigma0) -> MultivariateDistribution[MvNormal(mu0, sigma0)
for k in 1:K]
mu0 = Stochastic(1,
(mean, var) -> MvNormal(mean, var),
sigma0 = Stochastic(2,
(P0) -> InverseWishart(2.0, P0),
y = Stochastic(2,
(mu, N, T) ->
mu_aux = mu[Int(T[i]),:]
MvNormal(mu_aux, eye(2))
for i in 1:N
inits = [
Dict(:y => data[:y], :T => fill(1, data[:N]), :P => ones(data[:K])/data[:K],
:mu0 => zeros(2), :sigma0 => data[:P0], :mu => repmat([0 0], data[:K],1)),
Dict(:y => data[:y], :T => fill(1, data[:N]), :P => ones(data[:K])/data[:K],
:mu0 => zeros(2), :sigma0 => data[:P0], :mu => repmat([0 0], data[:K], 1))
# Sampling Scheme
# ---------------
scheme = [DGS(:T),
Slice(:mu, 1.0),
SliceSimplex(:P, scale=0.75)]
setsamplers!(model, scheme)
# MCMC Simulations
# ----------------
sim = mcmc(model, data, inits, 1000, burnin=250, thin=2, chains=2)
After skimming the paper it looks like something reasonable that could be implemented. I won't have time for awhile (December? January?) But feel free to try and take a stab at it yourself! Brian and I can answer any questions you have.
Hi everyone, It would be great if you want to use the BayesianMixtures package in Mamba. I'd be interested to stay in the loop. Cheers, Jeff
On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 8:59 PM, Benjamin Deonovic <[email protected]
After skimming the paper it looks like something reasonable that could be implemented. I won't have time for awhile (December? January?) But feel free to try and take a stab at it yourself! Brian and I can answer any questions you have.
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Dear @bdeonovic and @jwmi I am afraid that I would not be able to code such thing in a short period of time. It is my second week using Julia and I think this task has a lot of specific requirements. My proposal tries to resolve a problem I proposed to @jwmi last week in other context.
Anyway, only for curiosity, do you have any example (documentation) to code a sampling function? What would be the steps to incorporate BaesianMixtures.jl to Mamba? Cheers, Angel
A good example of a basic sampler can be found in the tutorial where a Gibbs sampler is coded up for Bayesian linear regression