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croft copied to clipboard

A WordPress starter theme built with Foundation for Sites (version 6) and Hybrid Core.


Welcome to Croft, the Foundation WordPress starter theme.

Croft is built with search-engine optimization (SEO) in mind by utilizing the most current HTML5 conventions and microdata. Croft combines ZURB's Foundation, the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world, and Hybrid Core, the developer friendly theme framework created by one of the best WordPress developers around, Justin Tadlock.

Croft isn't mean't to be used as is, it's mean't to used to create your next masterpeice!

Croft requires a minimum of WordPress 4.5.

What comes with Croft?

Croft comes with all of the features you love from Foundation for Sites, along with minimal styling to cover all WordPress core components. The theme comes setup to be used with Foundations Sass mixins (default and my preferred method) or optionally with classes.

What tools do I need to use Croft?

Croft is built with Bower and Gulp usage in mind and is the recommended way to use this theme. However theme assets should compile just fine using other tools.

Getting Started With Croft

Install node.js.

  • Using the command line, navigate to your theme directory
  • Run npm install to install Gulp plugins and Bower packages and copy Hybrid Core to /inc/hybrid-core/.
  • Run gulp to confirm everything is working

What Gulp tasks are included?

Croft comes with a few useful Gulp tasks out of the box:


The default Gulp task. Runs the build task and watches files for changes.

gulp clean

Cleans and removes the contents of the dist directory.

gulp copy

Copies Hybrid Core files from bower_components to inc/hybrid-core.

gulp Sass

Compiles and minifies the style.scss stylesheet.

gulp sass:editor

Compiles the editor-style.scss stylesheet into the /assets/css/ directory. Used to style the WordPress visual editor.

gulp javascript

Concats and minifies the main JS file.

gulp translate

A simple task for creating a pot file for your theme so it's ready for translation.

gulp build

Runs the clean, copy:hc, sass and javascript tasks.

gulp renametheme

This will rename all references to the theme text domain, function names and any other theme specific names. To use this task please make sure you change the THEME variable in gulpfile.js before running this task.

gulp dist

Copies all final theme files to the dist folder.

gulp zip

Creates a zip file of the dist directory ready to distribute the theme.

Copyright and License

The following resources are included or used in part within the theme package.

All other resources and theme elements are licensed under the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.

2016 © Brett Mason.