Need to understand where the biddercode seat is set: does PBS-core set this value or is it set by the adapters themselves?
Adapters cannot pass seat at all. Rather than changing this interface, there's a proposal that adapters could place the original seat in the [metadata object]( - there agency and advertiser...
Discussed options: 1. make new meta.Seat 2. adapters can just copy their original seat to meta.AgencyName 3. adapters can just copy their original seat to meta.NetworkName 4. Do nothing. Forget...
PBS-Java 3.0.0 released
Copied items from to combine into one issue.
Thanks - @bsardo . Agree that leaves the door open for future additions. Changed.
released with PBS-Java 3.3
@patmmccann , note about your statement > ... when we pass different values on protocols field for video ... Note that the `protocols` field (the array version) stays. It's the...
Discussed in committee. Notes: - 2.6 is still not finalized, we have until summer. - We could implement bidder-level config declaring whether they support 2.5 or 2.6. The default will...
rwdd? ugh. updated the description