> wondering if we need the host config geolocation.enabled. This is an existing config. The use case for keeping it would be as a master kill switch for geo lookup...
Interesting thought @muuki88 , but I don't think this is going to be possible with DNS-based geo-balancers like Akamai's GTM... there's no 'edge' in that case for 'cloudlets' to work...
done wit PBS-Java 2.13
We got a question to Prebid Support email that this PR would help resolve. @hhhjort and @guscarreon - please take a look and merge?
> Some time ago I left couple of comments Could you address these comments yourself @VeronikaSolovei9 ? @zhongshixi has abandoned this PR but I still need it if at all...
Done with PBS-Java 2.15
I think we need to define new [seat non-bid codes](
This would be the first instance doing a legal basis check on the bid response. The Go and Java teams will have to look into the impact.
Opened PR for the IAB seatnonbid code file to propose code 305 to cover rejecting responses for privacy reasons.
As discussed in committee yesterday, pulled the legal basis check out into a separate issue and made the remaining items here ready-for-dev