Brent Vatne
Brent Vatne should we do anything about this?
When we press the hardware back button while the drawer is open, we expect it to close the drawer. However, if we fire goBack(null) from the drawer content view while...
- Should let you inject a back handler that runs before the current screen - Need to only run this handler when the screen is active maybe? - Need to...
These values can update in response to orientation changes or on other events. - Status bar: translucent or opaque? in phone call? other? - "Safe areas": iPhone X is the...
On iOS if I want to position my title to the left, like Android/Material, this should be easy. Similarly, if I want to use the iOS behavior on Android, that...
When navigating to a route you sometimes want to be able to pass in some function just like you would as props to a component that you're rendering. For example...
- -- 0.42 doesn't have some methods that we expect to exist. - React Native 0.54 uses 16.3-alpha, which causes warnings. Should there be some clear rules on what...
Like this:
If you have two pickers and change the one on the left but don't give it time to settle then switch the one on the right and make it settle...
It's unfortunate that we only show the icons in the newest version at any given time