Unity60FPS copied to clipboard
iOS jailbreak Tweak that force Unity Games render at custom framerate.
iOS Jailbreak Tweak that force Unity Games render at custom framerate.
What is this
- Some games will always render at 30FPS or only render at 60FPS in battle scene and provide no option about it.
- This Tweak will force games made by Unity Engine always render at framerate you provide (typically 60 or 30).
- Tested game contains bgo(fgo chinese server), bgo(tw), bcr(pcr chinese server), LoR.
How to use
- Note that not any values is valid. Due to vsync, the ultimate framerate will only be 60 or 30.
- To render at 60 FPS, typically you set the framerate to 60.
- But on some devices, you may find that 45 is a better value. I don't know the reason, but it works.
- Due to the way it works, hooking directly to game engine, use this Tweak AT YOUR OWN RISK.