Logos-Xcode11 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Logos-Xcode11 copied to clipboard

Xcode11 Logos Supports


Logos Syntax Highlight in Xcode

Logos-Xcode brings Logos Syntax Hightlight to Xcode (tested on 11.3).

How To Install on Xcode 11+

0 - You should make a backup of the folder /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources
1 - You should make a backup of the folder /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/SourceModel.framework/Versions/A/Resources
2 - Clone this repo .
3 - Cd to the folder with cd Logos-Xcode/src.
4 - (Important) Assert that Xcode is completed terminated.
5 - (Optional) To create Logos.xclangspec, run python(3) xclangspec_generator.py.
6 - If you want to install to Xcode-beta.app, you can rename it to Xcode.app before installation and revert it after installation.
7 - Run ./add_current_uuid.sh
8 - Run sudo ./install.sh, to run the installation script.



Original README

How To Install

0 - You should make a backup of the folder /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources
1 - Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/pr0crustes/Logos-Xcode to any place you want.
2 - Cd to the folder with cd Logos-Xcode.
3 - Assert that Xcode is completed terminated.
4 - To create Logos.xclangspec, run python(3) xclangspec_generator.py.
5 - Run chmod +x install.sh, in order to give execution rights.
6 - Run sudo ./install.sh, to run the installation script.
7 - The script should explain itself, just follow the instructions.

Explaining Why It Needs Root

To be honest, I hate when a script can only be run as root (security reasons), but in this case that's needed for writing to /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources.
You do not need to trust my word, since all the code is open source and I suggest everyone to read.


SS showing autocompletion0 SS showing autocompletion1 SS showing autocompletion2 SS showing autocompletion3 SS showing autocompletion1


This code is provided as it is, without any warranty.
READ all the code before using it, since I am not responsible if it eventually breaks any future xcode version.

Based on the work of:

  • Tiago Bastos (Fork)
  • Alex Karahalios (Install Script)
  • Bret Victor (Syntax file)
  • Graham Henstridge (Syntax file)
  • This project started as a fork from https://github.com/bastos/lua-xcode-coloring