Łukasz Przeniosło
Łukasz Przeniosło
I am looking forward to it.
I will try to port my project tommorow, thank you :).
Hi, did you ever resolve the problem?
The flag doesnt help I tried it before. I have found a workaround for nullptr here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2419800/can-nullptr-be-emulated-in-gcc Then the only problem i got left (apart from thausands of warnings) is...
Could please tell me what cross-compiller are you using? I tried to add the c++ 11 flags to linaro gcc, this is my version: arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ (crosstool-NG linaro-1.13.1-4.7-2013.04-20130415 - Linaro GCC...