Łukasz Przeniosło
Łukasz Przeniosło
Thank you :). I really think this is an usefull feature.
This is a screenshot of what I mean:  I have to disconnect manually at the bottom and also adress 0x0 tab is being opened (not always but mostly yes).
I understand. Too bad but thank you for the efford :).
I have a question though- have you thought maybe about looking at the problem from a bit different angle? Wouldnt it be esier at every point, if run configuration would...
I was considering it really, but all Ive ever written in java is hello world :p.
In that case its even more not me... Anyways, I really apreciate you help and feedback. Im gratefull for the way it works now :). For the time being, before...
But is there any straight forward way of managing content from cubeMX in a gnu arm eclipse project? Lets say i would create an cube mx project and then i...
No harm in asking i guess. Ill do that. Let you know.
Just to have a general view, how long do you think it could take you to implement cubeMX import feature and when do you think would you do it? I...
Ys thats how i though it would work. Thank you for info, ill contact st and let you know. But i gues that would also take couple months.