Michael Ennen
Michael Ennen
I like the idea of being able to directly verify the contents of a (row, cell) pair and will look into adding that to the TableViewMatchers API. I am not...
Interesting. Being able to reference the header name seems useful for sure. I will take that into consideration when designing the API. I am not sure when I'll be able...
This is a normal jigsaw error that can be corrected by adding the following run-time arguments to `java`: `--add-exports javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.application=ALL-UNNAMED` I am not sure why TestFX tests run properly without...
Did you try adding `--add-exports javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.application=ALL-UNNAMED` to the runtime java arguments?
If `ALL-UNAMED` works but your module id doesn't, that means that Maven is not producing a fully modularized project for you. There is probably some missing Jigsaw related config somewhere...
Good point on the `ALL-UNAMED` vs `org.testfx`. I would suggest googling something like "maven jigsaw test dependencies" to see what the current state of things are. Looks like there is...
This may be a timing/concurrency issue. Can you try adding a `CountDownLatch` to the event handler of `button` and `await()` that latch after `robot.clickOn(".button");`? Like so: ```java CountDownLatch stageClosedLatch =...
Sorry, I should have said to move the `countDownLatch.countDown()` to: ``` stage.setOnCloseRequest(e -> { this.closed.set(true); countDownLatch.countDown(); }); ```
Is this issue specifically about onCloseRequest? I mean, does this type of test, without using `onCloseRequest` but setting a value in the event handler of a button work correctly? That...
This issue basically now boils down to having a better API for interacting with a TableView. That is something that definitely needs to be addressed in the future.