
Results 20 comments of bravewhh


> @bravewu-sen There is a mismatch between the list and the folder names for certain categories. I would suggest trying with a small subset of data, say using only two...


> @accountcwd UCF101,我不明白为什么我的是top1=76%,top5=92%,loss=1.0,到第十个epoch的时候,test loss就降不下去了,我是完全按照您的要求来的,为什么结果不一样,我是clone原作者的pytorch代码 想问一下您的test代码是自己写的吗?还是最直接用验证集的精度来比较结果呢

> @PPPxiaomoer 您好,我想问一下您在复现这个实验时的top1和top5准确率是多少?万分感激!!! 你好,请问你的是多少呢,交流一下。

你好,我能要个您的联系方式吗,我还有几个问题想请教一下您。 ---Original--- From: "PPPxiaomoer"

好人一生平安[鞠躬] ---Original--- From: "PPPxiaomoer"

> Hi @zhang-can , thank you for your work! I can't access to Google Docs, so could you please upload the latest pretrained model eco_lite_rgb_16F_kinetics_v3.pth.tar on BaiduYun? 你好,请问你的这个问题解决了吗,我现在从云盘下载还是显示数据损坏。

> I have solved the problem, the pretrained model download from baiduyun is available. For torch, I am a newbrid. The pretrained model save as tar file, which can directly...
