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optimize.portfolio.rebalancing() might have mishandled the situation that training_period is NULL and rolling_window is specified
if(is.null(training_period) & !is.null(rolling_window))
training_period <- rolling_window
if(is.null(training_period)) {if(nrow(R)<36) training_period=nrow(R) else training_period=36}
if (is.null(rolling_window)){
# define the index endpoints of our periods
ep.i<-endpoints(R,on=rebalance_on)[which(endpoints(R, on = rebalance_on)>=training_period)]
# now apply optimize.portfolio to the periods, in parallel if available
ep <- ep.i[1]
out_list<-foreach::foreach(ep=iterators::iter(ep.i), .errorhandling='pass', .packages='PortfolioAnalytics') %dopar% {
optimize.portfolio(R[1:ep,], portfolio=portfolio, optimize_method=optimize_method, search_size=search_size, trace=trace, rp=rp, parallel=FALSE, ...=...)
} else {
# define the index endpoints of our periods
ep.i<-endpoints(R,on=rebalance_on)[which(endpoints(R, on = rebalance_on)>=training_period)]
# now apply optimize.portfolio to the periods, in parallel if available
out_list<-foreach::foreach(ep=iterators::iter(ep.i), .errorhandling='pass', .packages='PortfolioAnalytics') %dopar% {
optimize.portfolio(R[(ifelse(ep-rolling_window>=1,ep-rolling_window,1)):ep,], portfolio=portfolio, optimize_method=optimize_method, search_size=search_size, trace=trace, rp=rp, parallel=FALSE, ...=...)
As in this code, when training_period
is NULL and rolling_window
is specified, training_period
will be set to equal to rolling_window
Say we have rolling_window = 48
, traing_period
will also be 48. When defining the index endpoins of our periods, ep.i will be 48, 49, 50, 51, ... . However R[(ifelse(ep-rolling_window>=1,ep-rolling_window,1)):ep,]
doesn't keep the rolling window length to be 48 all the time. For ep.i
in {48, 49, 50, 51, ... } , the window will be R[1:48, ], R[1:49, ], R[2:50, ], R[3:51, ] ... . The window length becomes 49.
Also when I run extractWeights(optimize.portfolio.rebalancing(R[1:51, ], portfolio = gmvp_spec,optimize_method = 'ROI', rebalance_on='months',rolling_window = 48))[2,] == extractWeights(optimize.portfolio(R[1:49, ], portfolio = gmvp_spec,optimize_method = 'ROI'))
, the result is TRUE. This means the second window is R[1:49, ]