browser-laptop copied to clipboard doesn't support Brave browser
Did you search for similar issues before submitting this one? Yes
Describe the issue you encountered:
Platform (Win7, 8, 10? macOS? Linux distro?): Ubuntu 16.10
Brave Version (revision SHA): 0.13.5 / 1db81cb
Steps to reproduce:
- Visit
- Click yes to making app available offline
Actual result: Unsupported browser. Use Chrome, etc.
Expected result: Start reading Kindle books in browser.
Will the steps above reproduce in a fresh profile? If not what other info can be added? Yes
Is this an issue in the currently released version? Yes
Can this issue be consistently reproduced? Yes
Extra QA steps: 1. 2. 3.
Screenshot if needed: Above
Any related issues:
I'm not immediately able to repro on 0.14.0 ( That being said, there is still an issue. The Enable Offline button makes an attempt to do an inline installation of the Kindle Cloud Reader extension.
<link rel='chrome-webstore-item' href=''/>
The actual installation is triggered by the following:
KindleChromeInstaller = function() {
function a() {
function a() {
} 0, function() {
KindleDebug.log("install success");
setTimeout(a, 250)
}, function(a) {
function f() {
return && &&
return {
install: function() {
f() ? window.parent.document.getElementById("inlineInstallProxy").click() : KindleMessageDialog.showError(Kindle.ERROR.OUTDATED_CHROME)
initialize: function() {
if (KindleHostDeviceDetector.isChrome() && f()) {
var d = document.createElement("button"); = "inlineInstallProxy"; = "none";
We may be able to clear this issue by simply supporting the Kindle Cloud Reader extension. I will turn my attention there next.
I ran into this issue this evening. Earlier today the worked without any issues, then this evening I went back to the site (after a browser restart and Mac in sleep for a while) and I am now getting the same warning. (I hit "no" to the offline reading option).
If I open inspector, the console shows "Application loaded from Cache with manifest..." if I then goto the Application tab in developer tools, ensure everything is checked and press "Clear site data" then refresh the page loads without any issues.
Brave 0.14.1 OS Mac OS X (10.12.4)
Appears to still be an issue:
If I open inspector, the console shows "Application loaded from Cache with manifest..." if I then goto the Application tab in developer tools, ensure everything is checked and press "Clear site data" then refresh the page loads without any issues.
Was running into this issue and the above solved it.