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Dependency Dashboard
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.
- [ ] fix(deps): update @brave/leo digest to cd5e75a
- [ ] fix(deps): update brave-ui digest to 1ed9c35
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @types/jest to v29.5.5
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @types/styled-components to v5.1.27
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @types/styled-components to v5.1.27
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency faraday to v2.7.11
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency pg to v1.5.4
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency postcss to v8.4.30
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3.0.3
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency sidekiq to v7.1.4
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency sprockets to v4.2.1
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency standard to v1.31.1
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency strong_migrations to v1.6.2
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency terser to v1.1.18
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency web-console to v4.2.1
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency webmock to v3.19.1
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency zendesk_api to v3.0.5
- [ ] fix(deps): update babel monorepo (
) - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @rails/activestorage to v7.0.8
- [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @rails/ujs to v7.0.8
- [ ] fix(deps): update dependency @solana/web3.js to v1.78.5
- [ ] fix(deps): update dependency grommet to v2.33.2
- [ ] fix(deps): update dependency react-intl to v6.4.7
- [ ] fix(deps): update dependency web3-utils to v4.0.6
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency activerecord-import to v1.5.0
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency aws-sdk-s3 to "~> 1.133.0"
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency google-protobuf to "~> 3.24.0"
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency newrelic_rpm to "~> 9.5.0"
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency node to v18.18.0
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency recaptcha to "~> 5.15.0"
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency rotp to "~> 6.3.0"
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency stylelint-scss to v5.2.1
- [ ] fix(deps): update dependency react-router-dom to v6.16.0
- [ ] fix(deps): update dependency sass to v1.67.0
- [ ] chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4
- [ ] chore(deps): update aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials action to v4
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @testing-library/jest-dom to v6
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v9
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v14
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency stylelint-config-recommended-scss to v13
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v5
- [ ] chore(deps): update node.js to v20
- [ ] chore(deps): update postgres docker tag to v16
- [ ] 🔐 Create all rate-limited PRs at once 🔐
These updates have been manually edited so Renovate will no longer make changes. To discard all commits and start over, click on a checkbox.
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency nokogiri to v1.15.4
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency ruby
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency selenium-webdriver to "~> 4.11.0"
- [ ] chore(deps): update actions/cache action to v3
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v16.14.46
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.15
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency ssrf_filter to v1.1.2
- [ ] chore(deps): update react monorepo to v18 (major) (
) - [ ] fix(deps): update dependency chart.js to v4
- [ ] fix(deps): update dependency react-tooltip to v5
- [ ] Click on this checkbox to rebase all open PRs at once
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency bootstrap to v5
- [ ] fix(deps): update dependency styled-components to v6
Detected dependencies
ruby ~> 3.0.2
rails-html-sanitizer "1.6.0"
rack "3.0.8"
countries undefined
active_model_serializers "~> 0.10.0"
activerecord-import "1.4.1"
addressable "~> 2.8"
activerecord-postgres_enum undefined
aws-sdk-s3 "~> 1.132.0"
bootstrap "4.6.2"
brotli "~> 0.4.0"
cancancan "~> 3.5.0"
connection_pool "~> 2.4"
devise "~> 4.9.2"
dnsruby "~> 1.70"
domain_name undefined
faraday "2.7.10"
faraday-retry "2.2.0"
ffi undefined
font-awesome-rails "~>"
google-protobuf "~> 3.23.4"
lograge "~> 0.13.0"
nokogiri ">= 1.14.3"
meta-tags "~> 2.18.0"
newrelic_rpm "~> 9.3.1"
omniauth-rails_csrf_protection "~> 1.0.1"
omniauth-google-oauth2 "~> 1.1.1"
omniauth-twitch "~> 1.2.0"
omniauth-twitter2 undefined
omniauth-github "~> 2.0.1"
paper_trail "~> 15.0.0"
pg ">= 0.18", "< 2.0"
premailer-rails "~> 1.12.0"
public_suffix "~> 5.0.1"
puma "~> 6.3.1"
rails-i18n "~> 7.0.6"
recaptcha "~> 5.14.0"
redis "~> 5.0.6"
redis-session-store undefined
render_async "~> 2.1.8"
rexml undefined
rqrcode "~> 2.2.0"
sass-rails ">= 6"
sendgrid-ruby "~> 6.6.2"
terser undefined
sidekiq "~> 7.1.3"
sidekiq-scheduler "~> 5.0.2"
slim-rails "3.6.2"
ssrf_filter "1.0.7"
strong_migrations undefined
u2f "~> 1.0"
webauthn undefined
rotp "~> 6.2.0"
shakapacker "7.0.3"
will_paginate undefined
yt "~> 0.33.0"
zeitwerk "~> 2.6.6"
zendesk_api "= 3.0.2"
activerecord-nulldb-adapter "0.9.0"
sprockets-rails "3.4.2"
sprockets "4.2.0"
eth "~> 0.4"
rbnacl undefined
base58 undefined
better_errors undefined
binding_of_caller undefined
listen "~> 3.5"
web-console undefined
i18n-tasks "~> 1.0.12"
database_cleaner undefined
vcr undefined
webmock "~> 3.0"
rails-controller-testing undefined
fastimage "~> 2.2.5"
temping undefined
pry undefined
pry-stack_explorer "~> 0.6.1"
byebug undefined
pry-byebug undefined
standard undefined
brakeman undefined
bundler-audit undefined
capybara undefined
minitest undefined
minitest-retry undefined
mocha undefined
webdrivers "~> 5.0"
simplecov undefined
selenium-webdriver "~> 4.10.0"
solargraph undefined
dotenv-rails "2.8.1"
importmap-rails "~> 1.1"
postgres 15-alpine
ruby 3.0-slim
ruby 3.0-slim
node 18-alpine
node 18-alpine
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v2
ruby/setup-ruby v1
actions/setup-node v3
actions/cache v1
actions/checkout v3
aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials v2
brave-intl/general-docker-build-pipeline-action v1.0.11
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v2
ruby/setup-ruby v1
actions/setup-node v3
actions/cache v1
actions/checkout v3
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v2
ruby/setup-ruby v1
browser-actions/setup-firefox v1
actions/setup-node v3
actions/cache v1
@brave/leo 86be9379ea55a7e32b56beee05a4e57caa1c0da2
axios ^1.5.0
clsx ^2.0.0
next ^13.4.12
next-intl ^3.0.0-beta.9
react ^18.2.0
react-dom ^18.2.0
react-responsive ^9.0.2
@commitlint/cli ^17.6.7
@commitlint/config-conventional ^17.6.7
@faker-js/faker ^8.0.2
@svgr/webpack ^8.0.1
@testing-library/jest-dom ^5.17.0
@testing-library/react ^14.0.0
@types/react ^18.2.15
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^6.2.0
@typescript-eslint/parser ^6.2.0
autoprefixer ^10.4.14
eslint ^8.45.0
eslint-config-airbnb ^19.0.4
eslint-config-next ^13.4.12
eslint-config-prettier ^8.10.0
eslint-plugin-prettier ^5.0.0
eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort ^10.0.0
eslint-plugin-unused-imports ^3.0.0
http-proxy ^1.18.1
jest ^29.6.1
jest-environment-jsdom ^29.6.1
lint-staged ^13.2.3
miragejs ^0.1.47
next-router-mock ^0.9.7
patch-package ^8.0.0
postcss ^8.4.27
prettier ^3.0.0
prettier-plugin-tailwindcss ^0.5.3
stylelint ^15.10.2
stylelint-config-clean-order ^5.0.1
stylelint-config-standard ^34.0.0
stylelint-webpack-plugin ^4.1.1
tailwindcss ^3.3.3
typescript ^4.9.4
node 18.17.1
@babel/core 7.22.9
@babel/plugin-transform-runtime 7.22.9
@babel/preset-env 7.22.9
@babel/preset-typescript ^7.22.5
@babel/runtime 7.22.6
@github/webauthn-json ^2.1.1
@rails/activestorage ^7.0.6
@rails/ujs ^7.0.6
@solana/web3.js ^1.78.4
axios ^1.4
babel-loader 9.1.3
brave-ui 11019732ef5fc09a75bae371c3f3ffece651d97c
bs58 5.0.0
chart.js ^2.7.2
clipboard ^2.0.11
compression-webpack-plugin 10
css-loader ^6.8.1
css-minimizer-webpack-plugin ^5.0.1
dompurify ^3.0.5
is-accessor-descriptor 3.0.2
js-yaml 4.1.0
kind-of ^6.0.3
mini-css-extract-plugin ^2.7.6
moment ^2.29.4
prop-types ^15.8.1
qr-code-styling ^1.6.0-rc.1
react ^16.6.3
react-avatar-editor ^13.0.0
react-dom ^16.6.3
react-intl ^6.4.4
react-select ^5.7.4
react-tooltip ^4.2.3
sass ^1.64.1
sass-loader ^13.3.2
shakapacker 7.0.3
style-loader ^3.3.3
styled-components 5.3.11
terser-webpack-plugin 5.3.9
tributejs ^5.1.3
web3-utils ^4.0.5
webpack 5.88.2
webpack-assets-manifest 5.1.0
webpack-cli 5.1.4
webpack-dev-server ^4.15.1
webpack-merge 5.9
@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties ^7.18.6
@babel/preset-react ^7.22.5
@rails/webpacker ^5.4.4
@types/jest ^29.5.3
@types/react ^16.4.7
@types/react-dom ^16.0.6
@types/styled-components ^5.1.26
audit-ci 6.6.1
autoprefixer 10.4.14
babel-core 7.0.0-bridge.0
babel-plugin-styled-components 2.1.4
babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import ^6.18.0
babel-plugin-transform-class-properties ^6.24.1
babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread ^7.0.0-beta.3
babel-polyfill ^6.26.0
babel-preset-react ^6.24.1
cssnano 6.0.1
enzyme ^3.11.0
enzyme-adapter-react-16 ^1.15.7
enzyme-to-json ^3.6.2
fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin ^8.0.0
hoek ^6.1.3
husky ^8.0.3
jest-styled-components ^7.1.1
node-sass 9.0.0
postcss 8.4.27
prettier 3.0.1
stylelint ^15.10.2
stylelint-config-recommended-scss 12.0.0
stylelint-config-styled-components ^0.1.1
stylelint-processor-styled-components ^1.10.0
stylelint-scss 5.0.1
sugarss ^4.0.1
ts-loader 9.4.4
tslint 6.1.3
tslint-config-prettier ^1.18.0
tslint-config-standard 9.0
tslint-react 5.0
typescript ^5.1.6
node-fetch 3.3.2
@types/react 16.14.45
@types/styled-components 5.1.26
grommet ^2.29.1
kind-of ^6.0.3
react ^18.2.0
react-dom ^18.2.0
react-dom-confetti ^0.2.0
react-intl ^6.2.8
react-router-dom ^6.8.1
styled-components ^5.3.6
@babel/helper-call-delegate ^7.12.13
prettier 3.0.1
react-scripts 5.0.1
nth-check 2.1.1
node 18.17.0
ruby 3.0.2
- [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository