esphome-tuya_pir copied to clipboard
Motion event not captured in HASS
I've flashed the pir device with the code here and currently maintain it via the HASSio ESPcomponent
I can see on the log that I get a Reset event: 0 Rebooting: SB1_STATE_EVENT_ACK
any time there's any motion detected which looks like its updating the voltage level, and it does
However, the motion sensor says clear all the time. According to the header file I should be getting a SB1_EVENT_TYPE_MOTION whenever there's motion? But I don't think I am.
Same here: Rebooting: SB1_STATE_EVENT_ACK but no activity in HASS. This is an intercepted message by MQTT Explorer. I am not sure if i have connected it right in HASS.
Similar here. My device is constantly getting rebooted, and it happens in two instances: when idle (or booting up), and after a motion event.
I believe the reboot occurs here and here). Granted, I am super-new to ESPHome, UART and also know virtually nothing about C++ programming 😜
A few things I note from the following logs:
- the first reboot happens shortly after a motion event, but there's never an
state being sent - please see this device's event message which was partially detected/deciphered here - is it possible that messages are not necessarily 5 bytes long?
- I have
declared in my config, but I never actually get the Tuya configuration in the logger
Here's my config.yaml
devicename: mirabellagenio_motion_sensor_01
friendly_name: Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01
device_description: Mirabella Genio MS03W Motion Sensor.
name: mirabellagenio_motion_sensor_01
platform: ESP8266
board: esp01_1m
arduino_version: 2.5.1
board_flash_mode: dout
- sb1_uart.h
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
fast_connect: true
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: Genio motion sensor 01 # Not using $friendly_name since it's more than 32 chars :)
password: !secret AP_Password
# Enable logging
level: DEBUG
hardware_uart: UART1
# Web server can be removed after enabling HA API
port: 80
# Enable Home Assistant API
password: !secret AP_Password
password: !secret AP_Password
broker: !secret mqtt_ip
username: !secret mqtt_un
password: !secret mqtt_pw
- tx_pin: 1
rx_pin: 3
baud_rate: 9600
id: uart0
# Register the Tuya MCU connection
- platform: wifi_signal
name: ${friendly_name} WiFi Signal
update_interval: never
filters: []
- platform: adc
name: ${friendly_name} Battery
update_interval: 30s
pin: VCC
- calibrate_linear:
# Map volts (from sensor) to % (for HA)
- 2.8 -> 0.0
- 3.6 -> 100
unit_of_measurement: "%"
accuracy_decimals: 0
- platform: template
id: ${devicename}_motion
name: ${friendly_name} Motion
filters: []
device_class: motion
lambda: "return {};"
- id: sb1_uart
lambda: |-
auto component = new SB1UARTComponent(id(uart0), id(${devicename}_motion));
return {component};
Here are two logs:
[I][app:059]: setup() finished successfully!
[D][sb1:185]: state: 11 -> 15 after 14 ms
[I][app:105]: ESPHome version 1.17.2 compiled on May 16 2021, 22:36:29
[C][wifi:443]: WiFi:
[C][wifi:303]: SSID: *****
[C][wifi:304]: IP Address: *****
[C][wifi:306]: BSSID: *****
[C][wifi:307]: Hostname: *****
[C][wifi:311]: Signal strength: -50 dB [0;32m▂▄▆█[0m
[C][wifi:315]: Channel: 11
[C][wifi:316]: Subnet:
[C][wifi:317]: Gateway: *****
[C][wifi:318]: DNS1: *****
[C][wifi:319]: DNS2: (IP unset)
[C][uart_esp8266:075]: UART Bus:
[C][uart_esp8266:077]: TX Pin: GPIO1
[C][uart_esp8266:080]: RX Pin: GPIO3
[C][uart_esp8266:081]: RX Buffer Size: 256
[C][uart_esp8266:083]: Baud Rate: 9600 baud
[C][uart_esp8266:084]: Data Bits: 8
[C][uart_esp8266:085]: Parity: NONE
[C][uart_esp8266:086]: Stop bits: 1
[C][uart_esp8266:088]: Using hardware serial interface.
[C][template.binary_sensor:018]: Template Binary Sensor 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Motion'
[C][template.binary_sensor:018]: Device Class: 'motion'
[C][logger:185]: Logger:
[C][logger:186]: Level: DEBUG
[C][logger:187]: Log Baud Rate: 115200
[C][logger:188]: Hardware UART: UART1
[D][sb1:350]: Event message of length 18
[D][sb1:352]: 00: 0x65
[D][sb1:352]: 01: 0x01
[D][sb1:352]: 02: 0x00
[D][sb1:352]: 03: 0x01
[D][sb1:352]: 04: 0x01
[D][sb1:352]: 05: 0x67
[D][sb1:352]: 06: 0x02
[D][sb1:352]: 07: 0x00
[D][sb1:352]: 08: 0x04
[D][sb1:352]: 09: 0x00
[D][sb1:352]: 10: 0x00
[D][sb1:352]: 11: 0x00
[D][sb1:352]: 12: 0x55
[D][sb1:352]: 13: 0x66
[D][sb1:352]: 14: 0x01
[D][sb1:352]: 15: 0x00
[D][sb1:352]: 16: 0x01
[D][sb1:352]: 17: 0x01
[I][sb1:358]: Motion event: 1
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Motion': Sending state ON
[D][sb1:185]: state: 15 -> 13 after 245 ms
[C][adc:028]: ADC Sensor 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery'
[C][adc:028]: Device Class: 'voltage'
[C][adc:028]: Unit of Measurement: '%'
[C][adc:028]: Accuracy Decimals: 0
[C][adc:031]: Pin: VCC
[C][adc:053]: Update Interval: 30.0s
[C][captive_portal:169]: Captive Portal:
[C][web_server:136]: Web Server:
[C][web_server:137]: Address: *****
[C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[C][ota:030]: Address: *****
[C][ota:032]: Using Password.
[C][api:095]: API Server:
[C][api:096]: Address: *****
[C][mqtt:051]: MQTT:
[C][mqtt:053]: Server Address: *****
[C][mqtt:054]: Username: *****
[C][mqtt:055]: Client ID: *****
[C][mqtt:060]: Topic Prefix: 'mirabellagenio_motion_sensor_01'
[C][mqtt:062]: Log Topic: 'mirabellagenio_motion_sensor_01/debug'
[C][sb1:242]: SB1 UART:
[C][sb1:243]: Boot Mode: NORMAL
[C][sb1:244]: Product Info: {"p":"p0y7ucexietpcqlq","v":"1.0.6"}
[C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: WiFi Signal 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 WiFi Signal'
[C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: Unit of Measurement: 'dB'
[C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: Accuracy Decimals: 0
[C][mqtt.sensor:024]: MQTT Sensor 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 WiFi Signal':
[C][mqtt.sensor:028]: State Topic: 'mirabellagenio_motion_sensor_01/sensor/mirabella_genio_motion_sensor_01_wifi_signal/state'
[I][sb1:343]: Rebooting: SB1_STATE_EVENT_ACK
[I][app:142]: Rebooting safely...
[D][sb1:392]: SB1 UART shutting down; next boot mode NORMAL
( I'm assuming there was a reboot here and terminal re-connected somewhere along boot process... )
[D][adc:058]: 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery': Got voltage=3.44V
[D][sensor:099]: 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery': Sending state 80.05371 % with 0 decimals of accuracy
[D][adc:058]: 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery': Got voltage=3.44V
[D][sensor:099]: 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery': Sending state 80.05371 % with 0 decimals of accuracy
[D][adc:058]: 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery': Got voltage=3.44V
[D][sensor:099]: 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery': Sending state 80.05371 % with 0 decimals of accuracy
[D][adc:058]: 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery': Got voltage=3.44V
[D][sensor:099]: 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery': Sending state 80.05371 % with 0 decimals of accuracy
[D][adc:058]: 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery': Got voltage=3.44V
[D][sensor:099]: 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery': Sending state 80.17578 % with 0 decimals of accuracy
[D][adc:058]: 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery': Got voltage=3.44V
[D][sensor:099]: 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery': Sending state 80.05371 % with 0 decimals of accuracy
[C][captive_portal:169]: Captive Portal:
[C][web_server:136]: Web Server:
[C][web_server:137]: Address: *****
[C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[C][ota:030]: Address: *****
[C][ota:032]: Using Password.
[C][api:095]: API Server:
[C][api:096]: Address: *****
[C][mqtt:051]: MQTT:
[C][mqtt:053]: Server Address: *****
[C][mqtt:054]: Username: *****
[C][mqtt:055]: Client ID: *****
[C][mqtt:060]: Topic Prefix: 'mirabellagenio_motion_sensor_01'
[C][mqtt:062]: Log Topic: 'mirabellagenio_motion_sensor_01/debug'
[C][sb1:242]: SB1 UART:
[C][sb1:243]: Boot Mode: NORMAL
[C][sb1:244]: Product Info: {"p":"p0y7ucexietpcqlq","v":"1.0.6"}
[C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: WiFi Signal 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 WiFi Signal'
[C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: Unit of Measurement: 'dB'
[C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: Accuracy Decimals: 0
[C][mqtt.sensor:024]: MQTT Sensor 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 WiFi Signal':
[C][mqtt.sensor:028]: State Topic: 'mirabellagenio_motion_sensor_01/sensor/mirabella_genio_motion_sensor_01_wifi_signal/state'
[C][mqtt.binary_sensor:018]: MQTT Binary Sensor 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Motion':
[C][mqtt.binary_sensor:019]: State Topic: 'mirabellagenio_motion_sensor_01/binary_sensor/mirabella_genio_motion_sensor_01_motion/state'
[C][mqtt.sensor:024]: MQTT Sensor 'Mirabella Genio motion sensor 01 Battery':
[C][mqtt.sensor:028]: State Topic: 'mirabellagenio_motion_sensor_01/sensor/mirabella_genio_motion_sensor_01_battery/state'
[D][debug:023]: ESPHome version 1.17.2
[D][debug:025]: Free Heap Size: 20368 bytes
[D][debug:053]: Flash Chip: Size=1024kB Speed=40MHz Mode=DOUT
[D][debug:190]: Chip ID: 0x002AB040
[D][debug:191]: SDK Version: 2.2.1(cfd48f3)
[D][debug:192]: Core Version: 2_5_1
[D][debug:193]: Boot Version=31 Mode=1
[D][debug:194]: CPU Frequency: 80
[D][debug:195]: Flash Chip ID=0x001540C8
[D][debug:196]: Reset Reason: Software/System restart
[D][debug:197]: Reset Info: Fatal exception:0 flag:4 (SOFT_RESTART) epc1:0x00000000 epc2:0x00000000 epc3:0x00000000 excvaddr:0x00000000 depc:0x00000000
[C][tuya:025]: Tuya:
[C][tuya:028]: Configuration will be reported when setup is complete. Current init_state: 0
[C][tuya:029]: If no further output is received, confirm that this is a supported Tuya device.
[I][sb1:375]: Rebooting: SB1_STATE_RUNNING_NORMAL