esphome-tuya_pir copied to clipboard
Stuck in a boot loop
ESPHome version: 1.14.3
I installed through using the steps in the README with success and have been able to update the firmware on the device and see it connected to my network.
The device is now stuck in an loop, as can be seen from the log taken from the device below:
INFO Successfully connected to
[20:35:14][C][adc:026]: ADC Sensor 'PIR Battery'
[20:35:14][C][adc:026]: Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[20:35:14][C][adc:026]: Accuracy Decimals: 2
[20:35:14][C][adc:026]: Icon: 'mdi:flash'
[20:35:14][C][adc:029]: Pin: VCC
[20:35:14][C][adc:051]: Update Interval: 4294967.5s
[20:35:14][C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[20:35:14][C][ota:030]: Address:
[20:35:14][C][api:095]: API Server:
[20:35:14][C][api:096]: Address:
[20:35:14][C][mqtt:051]: MQTT:
[20:35:14][C][mqtt:053]: Server Address: (
[20:35:14][C][mqtt:054]: Username:
[20:35:14][C][mqtt:055]: Client ID:
[20:35:14][C][mqtt:060]: Topic Prefix: 'pir'
[20:35:14][C][mqtt:062]: Log Topic: 'pir/debug'
[20:35:14][C][sb1:242]: SB1 UART:
[20:35:14][C][sb1:243]: Boot Mode: NORMAL
[20:35:14][C][sb1:244]: Product Info: {"p":"Okurono2XLVRV0fB","v":"1.0.2","m":0}
[20:35:14][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: WiFi Signal 'PIR WiFi Signal'
[20:35:14][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: Unit of Measurement: 'dB'
[20:35:14][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: Accuracy Decimals: 0
[20:35:14][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: Icon: 'mdi:wifi'
[20:35:14][C][mqtt.sensor:024]: MQTT Sensor 'PIR WiFi Signal':
[20:35:14][C][mqtt.sensor:028]: State Topic: 'pir/sensor/pir_wifi_signal/state'
[20:35:14][C][mqtt.sensor:024]: MQTT Sensor 'PIR Battery':
[20:35:14][C][mqtt.sensor:028]: State Topic: 'pir/sensor/pir_battery/state'
[20:35:14][C][mqtt.binary_sensor:018]: MQTT Binary Sensor 'PIR Motion':
[20:35:14][C][mqtt.binary_sensor:019]: State Topic: 'pir/binary_sensor/pir_motion/state'
[20:35:14][D][sb1:350]: Event message of length 5
[20:35:14][D][sb1:352]: 00: 0x66
[20:35:14][D][sb1:352]: 01: 0x04
[20:35:14][D][sb1:352]: 02: 0x00
[20:35:14][D][sb1:352]: 03: 0x01
[20:35:14][D][sb1:352]: 04: 0x00
[20:35:14][I][sb1:370]: Reset event: 0
[20:35:14][D][sb1:185]: state: 15 -> 13 after 417 ms
[20:35:15][I][sb1:343]: Rebooting: SB1_STATE_EVENT_ACK
[20:35:15][I][app:137]: Rebooting safely...
[20:35:15][D][sb1:392]: SB1 UART shutting down; next boot mode NORMAL
INFO Connecting to (
[20:35:47][I][mqtt:202]: MQTT Connected!
[20:35:47][D][sb1:185]: state: 10 -> 11 after 201 ms
[20:35:47][I][app:058]: setup() finished successfully!
[20:35:47][I][app:100]: ESPHome version 1.14.3 compiled on Jan 12 2020, 20:31:54
[20:35:47][C][wifi:415]: WiFi:
[20:35:47][C][wifi:283]: SSID:
[20:35:47][C][wifi:284]: IP Address:
[20:35:47][C][wifi:286]: BSSID:
[20:35:47][C][wifi:287]: Hostname: 'pir'
[20:35:47][C][wifi:291]: Signal strength: -32 dB ▂▄▆█
[20:35:47][C][wifi:295]: Channel: 6
[20:35:47][C][wifi:296]: Subnet:
[20:35:47][C][wifi:297]: Gateway:
[20:35:47][C][wifi:298]: DNS1: (IP unset)
[20:35:47][C][wifi:299]: DNS2: (IP unset)
[20:35:47][D][sb1:185]: state: 11 -> 15 after 71 ms
[20:35:47][C][uart:140]: UART Bus:
[20:35:47][C][uart:142]: TX Pin: GPIO1
[20:35:47][C][uart:145]: RX Pin: GPIO3
[20:35:47][C][uart:147]: Baud Rate: 9600 baud
[20:35:47][C][uart:148]: Stop bits: 1
[20:35:47][C][uart:150]: Using hardware serial interface.
[20:35:47][C][template.binary_sensor:018]: Template Binary Sensor 'PIR Motion'
[20:35:47][C][template.binary_sensor:018]: Device Class: 'motion'
[20:35:47][C][logger:175]: Logger:
[20:35:47][C][logger:176]: Level: DEBUG
[20:35:47][C][logger:177]: Log Baud Rate: 115200
[20:35:47][C][logger:178]: Hardware UART: UART1
[20:35:47][C][adc:026]: ADC Sensor 'PIR Battery'
[20:35:47][C][adc:026]: Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[20:35:47][C][adc:026]: Accuracy Decimals: 2
[20:35:47][C][adc:026]: Icon: 'mdi:flash'
[20:35:47][C][adc:029]: Pin: VCC
[20:35:47][C][adc:051]: Update Interval: 4294967.5s
[20:35:47][C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[20:35:47][C][ota:030]: Address:
[20:35:47][C][api:095]: API Server:
[20:35:47][C][api:096]: Address:
[20:35:47][C][mqtt:051]: MQTT:
[20:35:47][C][mqtt:053]: Server Address: (
[20:35:47][C][mqtt:054]: Username:
[20:35:47][C][mqtt:055]: Client ID:
[20:35:47][C][mqtt:060]: Topic Prefix: 'pir'
[20:35:47][C][mqtt:062]: Log Topic: 'pir/debug'
[20:35:47][C][sb1:242]: SB1 UART:
[20:35:47][C][sb1:243]: Boot Mode: NORMAL
[20:35:47][C][sb1:244]: Product Info: {"p":"Okurono2XLVRV0fB","v":"1.0.2","m":0}
[20:35:47][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: WiFi Signal 'PIR WiFi Signal'
[20:35:47][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: Unit of Measurement: 'dB'
[20:35:47][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: Accuracy Decimals: 0
[20:35:47][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: Icon: 'mdi:wifi'
[20:35:47][C][mqtt.sensor:024]: MQTT Sensor 'PIR WiFi Signal':
[20:35:47][C][mqtt.sensor:028]: State Topic: 'pir/sensor/pir_wifi_signal/state'
[20:35:47][C][mqtt.sensor:024]: MQTT Sensor 'PIR Battery':
[20:35:47][C][mqtt.sensor:028]: State Topic: 'pir/sensor/pir_battery/state'
[20:35:47][C][mqtt.binary_sensor:018]: MQTT Binary Sensor 'PIR Motion':
[20:35:47][C][mqtt.binary_sensor:019]: State Topic: 'pir/binary_sensor/pir_motion/state'
[20:35:47][D][sb1:350]: Event message of length 5
[20:35:47][D][sb1:352]: 00: 0x66
[20:35:47][D][sb1:352]: 01: 0x04
[20:35:47][D][sb1:352]: 02: 0x00
[20:35:47][D][sb1:352]: 03: 0x01
[20:35:47][D][sb1:352]: 04: 0x00
[20:35:47][I][sb1:370]: Reset event: 0
[20:35:47][D][sb1:185]: state: 15 -> 13 after 432 ms
[20:35:47][I][sb1:343]: Rebooting: SB1_STATE_EVENT_ACK
[20:35:47][I][app:137]: Rebooting safely...
[20:35:47][D][sb1:392]: SB1 UART shutting down; next boot mode NORMAL
What would cause this device to keep getting the reset event?
pir.yaml is the same as the one provided in master
I have checked the other device I have which also runs into the same problem when flashed.
Device Link:
+1 I have exactly the same issue
Hi, I have the same issue. Any luck solving this?
@geerdkakes Sorry, I haven't investigated any further. When I get back around to this I am going to try flash with Tasmota
Hi, Same issue here. Any luck solving this? Okurono2XLVRV0fB 1.0.2