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Algebraic Effect Handlers for Clojure
Cleff provides a framework for extensible handling of computational effects.
The design is heavily inspired by the Eff programming language. This project aims to provide a proof of concept implementation of all of the examples in Programming with Algebraic Effects and Handlers by Bauer and Pretnar.
The basics of first-class effects and handlers are working.
Here's a simple non-deterministic choice effect:
(defn choose-all [c]
(value [x] [x])
(decide []
(concat (continue true) (continue false)))))
(let [c (choice)]
(handle-with (choose-all c)
(let [x (if (effect c 'decide) 10 20)
y (if (effect c 'decide) 0 5)]
(- x y))))
;;=> (10 5 20 15)
Lots left to do:
- Polish up the syntax
- defprotocol-style defeffect
- Subroutines for coping with core.async's lexical IOC
See the test/
directory for some more examples.
Copyright © 2013 Brandon Bloom
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.