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My try at making multyplayer version of NetHack like game
Land sky
Roguelike NetHacklike multiplayer game
Land sky project is an attempt at building a multiplayer version of Roguelike NetHacklike game.
Goal include:
- It should be multiplayer
- It should be sandbox
- It should be open source
- It should be fun as original game was
- It should be written in statically typed language. Reason for this is that is easier for new developers to get into, I choose C#.
Get started:
>git clone
- Windows:
- Just install Visual studio
- open src/LandSky.sln
- Build and/or start hacking
- Start it inside Visual studio or run
- Linux and OS X (Maybe, most likely will not work, but I'll try to make it work)
- Hack with your favorite C# IDE
- Install Mono
>xbuild src/LandSky.sln
>mono src/core/bin/Debug/LandSky.exe
Design decisions
Here are some of the design decisions:
- Add as many comments as possible. Just so that other people can jump in code and see what you've done.
- Don't write you name on top of every file you make. This is team effort, not a competition.
- Naming convention: Namespaces - PascalCase, classes - PascalCase, public properies - PascalCase, private properies - mPascalCase, other stuff is not really important
- JSON. Whenever you have to serialize object to save it, send it, ... use JSON
Current state
This project is in a very early stage and needs a lot of work. Everything that works should be more optimised.
What works:
- Room generation
- Path generating
- Controls
- Rendering
- Maybe someting else...
TODO list
This is the list of stuff that need to be made. I'm always open to suggestions if you have an idea.
- [ ] Implement real time database for multyplayer stuff
- [ ] Implement sql or nosql database for saving player status and game states
- [ ] Implement more screens
- [ ] Make the drawing process faster
- [ ] Make gameplay features
- [ ] A lot more
Main author
- Branimir Ričko
- Mail: [email protected]
This project is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0