
Results 103 issues of Bramus

The repo description contains a typo. It reads _“A **clasnames** component wrapper to speed up styling React components”_. 👉 `/s/clasnames/classnames`

_(👋 Hi, Chrome DevRel here)_ When `::backdrop` was moved from the fullscreen spec to css-position-4, it was made tree-abiding, inheriting from its originating element. CSSWG Resolution: This PR adds...

data:css :art:

_(👋 Hi, Chrome DevRel here)_ With CSS Highlight Inheritance, the CSS Highlight pseudo classes inherit their properties through the pseudo highlight chain, rather than the element chain. This applies to...

data:css :art:

Hi chokcoco! I’m reaching out to you because you have written some articles and created demos that use Scroll-Driven Animations which is awesome! Unfortunately, since creating your content, the specification...

The feature described at dates back to an old specification that was retracted and has since been replaced by The features covered by as included in MDN’s...

The FPS Meter widget is updated via rAF. While not a problem in itself, this is causing issues for WAAPI/CSS animations in some browsers (see for these tests). In...

Because of the way the DOM benchmark is written – by constantly updating the style value in a `rAF` – these updates are performed on the main thread and are...

The message format of an HTTP2 response starts with `HTTP/2 `, with no minor version defined. The regex to match the headers fails on this, as it expects a minor...

> The new `upgrade-insecure-requests` Content Security Policy directive can be used to transparently upgrade insecure resource requests to secure variants. This avoids the mixed content warnings without having to modify...

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