Ah, well, I just read in the docs, that your implementation of both fuzzy CD algorithms don't support weighted networks (although the Fuzzy-Rough Community Detection method does), so I can't...
Well, it's 3.5 years later, and I have the same problem. I tried the fix by @nbud, but it didn't change anything. I've posted my details on other open issues...
I have this same scaling problem on my new setup with Windows 11 and Spyder 5.5.1. The computer is a laptop with a 4K screen set at 225% upscaling. The...
I installed the Windows package from your link, and I confirmed that it does not have the scaling problem. (It did start in Japanese, which took me a while to...
....but I spoke too soon. First, even before, when it was mostly fixed, the fonts in linting pop-ups were still huge...but I usually turn those off so it didn't bother...