
Results 15 comments of lalla

I need a nested draggable widgets. Same in your demo with more widgets added inside the other widgets. Is it possible here, dashboard with nested widgets inside other.?

any way to stop responsive widgets . tried these false but still it behaves responsive responsiveView: false, // turn on adopting items sizes on window resize and enable responsiveSizes: false,

getting same error in staging env , locally working fine @swiety85 **### **vendor.js:sourcemap:58554 ERROR TypeError: Cannot set property '3' of undefined**** at GridList.push../node_modules/angular2gridster/fesm5/angular2gridster.js.GridList.markItemPositionToGrid (dashboard-dashboard-module.js:sourcemap:1411) at GridList.push../node_modules/angular2gridster/fesm5/angular2gridster.js.GridList.generateGrid (dashboard-dashboard-module.js:sourcemap:424) at GridList.push../node_modules/angular2gridster/fesm5/angular2gridster.js.GridList.fixItemsPositions (dashboard-dashboard-module.js:sourcemap:946)...

the widget should have the drag and drop