vim_dotfiles copied to clipboard
our vim dotfiles
Clone this project directy into ~/.vim
# Clean up old unnecessary files or symlinks
rm -f ~/.vimrc ~/.gvimrc ~/.vimrc.bundles; rm -rf ~/.vim
# Clone directly into ~/.vim
git clone [email protected]:braintreeps/vim_dotfiles ~/.vim
After cloning this project, run ~/.vim/
Uses vim-plug
to manage bundles.
We have included our tmux.conf
as tmux_example.conf
. To use some of the
vimmux :magic:, please link that to ~/.tmux.conf
ln -s ~/.vim/tmux_example.conf ~/.tmux.conf
Default Shortcuts
The file explorer - NERD Tree:
\nt - open/close NERD Tree
\nf - reveal the current file in NERD Tree
\nr - refresh the contents of NERD Tree (can also use r or R to refresh a folder)
? - in NERD Tree to see all its shortcuts
File search - fzf:
\ff - find a file
\fg - find a file that is committed to git
\fb - find an open buffer
\ft - find ctags
Comments (watch out for 's):
gc<motion> - toggle comments
gcc - toggle comments on the current line
\cc - toggle comments
\uc - toggle comments
Vimux (must be inside a tmux)
\vp - prompt for a command to run in vimux
\vs - send the block of code to the vimux window
\vl - run the last vimux command
Jump to definition - CTags
CTRL+] - jump to definition
g CTRL+] - pop up a selector if there is more than one definition; if there is only one, jump there
\rt - rebuild tags
\gw - git grep for the word under the cursor
\gh - get the github url for the current file
\cw - clean up trailing whitespace at the end of the line
Ruby Specific Mappings
\rb - run all specs in current buffer
\rc - run all specs in current context
\rf - run the spec under the cursor
\rl - run the last spec
\rs - syntax check the current file
Ctrl+L (in insert mode) - insert a " => " at the current cursor position
Python-Specific Mappings
\rb - run all tests in the current buffer (pytest or nose)
\rf - run the current test
\rl - run the last test
\nh - :nohlsearch - stop highlighting the last search
\qp - Send current block of text (from blank line before to semicolon after)
prompting for text substitutions