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AWS lambda S3 + rust-htslib: A serverless bioinformatics example

Read BAM header on an AWS lambda with rust-htslib

DEPRECATED: Please see the C-less version of this proof of concept instead. Safer, better.

This small Bioinformatics proof of concept that bundles htslib into an AWS Lambda for massive distributed computing. This only prints a BAM header, but I hope you see the massive scaling potential, hitting an S3 bucket with millions of concurrent lambdas will be interesting to see ;)

To make this work, this README assumes the following prerequisites:

  1. You are already authenticated against AWS (with either environment credentials or AWS_PROFILE set) - in an account that you can deploy CloudFormation stacks/lambdas.
  2. AWS SAM is properly installed.
  3. You have a functioning Rust(up) installation, docker and cross.

If that is in order, clone this repository.

Building the Rust binaries can be done via cross:

$ cross build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

And then invoke or deploy the resulting bootstrap binary:

$ cp ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/bootstrap .
$ sam local invoke -e event.json

The output will show both the status of the lambda invoke - and if successful, the header records from the BAM file, i.e:

END RequestId: dbd528c7-858d-15e7-6067-9723ce1e643f
REPORT RequestId: dbd528c7-858d-15e7-6067-9723ce1e643f  Init Duration: 139.11 ms        Duration: 2251.32 ms    Billed Duration: 2300 ms      M
emory Size: 128 MB      Max Memory Used: 13 MB

"@CO\t$known_indels_file(s) = ftp://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/technical/reference/GRCh38_reference_genome/other_mapping_resources/ALL.wgs.1000G_phase3.GRCh38.ncbi_remapper.20150424.shapeit2_indels.vcf.gz",