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PCA fix scale power
- Scales the power of the 1stPC to be the same as the average power as done in MNE-Python:
Hi @Moo-Marc, this is the PR for the power scaling
I'm not sure it's very useful, other than looking more similar to mean. But if we want to keep a meaningful scale comparable to mean, here's what I'd suggest. For mean, the sum of weights = 1, whereas for a (PCA) component/projection, the sum of squared component values = 1. To compare mean to PCA, we can multiply the mean weights by sqrt(N), and we get sum(w^2) = 1, a valid component. To go the other way, we can divide PCA by sqrt(N). This is simple and maintains a meaningful relative power between the two options.
If you need additional inputs on this topic, put it on the agenda of the next Wednesday meeting. Dimitrios, Richard or John might be able to help.
we can divide PCA by sqrt(N).
Yeah, this makes more sense than scaling the 1PC to match the same power of all N signals. Can you add it in #559?