hashlib icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hashlib copied to clipboard

does not compile with node v0.6.x

Open subnetmarco opened this issue 12 years ago • 22 comments

../hashlib.cc:14:16: error: ev.h: No such file or directory
../hashlib.cc:15:17: error: eio.h: No such file or directory
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/ec2-user/hashlib/build'
Build failed:  -> task failed (err #1): 
    {task: cxx hashlib.cc -> hashlib_2.o}
make: *** [build] Error 1

subnetmarco avatar Nov 08 '11 08:11 subnetmarco

Strange case. I already compiled and tested it with new node version. Maybe I have old ev.h on the system.. I'll test this case

brainpicture avatar Nov 08 '11 16:11 brainpicture

Having the same problem here, to show it's not an isolated case. (OS X 10.6.8),

../hashlib.cc:15:17: error: eio.h: No such file or directory
../hashlib.cc:311: error: ‘eio_req’ was not declared in this scope
../hashlib.cc:311: error: ‘req’ was not declared in this scope
../hashlib.cc:312: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token

ovaillancourt avatar Nov 08 '11 18:11 ovaillancourt

I'm getting same as above on OS X 10.7

I changed the node prefix so i'm not sure if it's looking for the headers files in the wrong place?

Keep up the good work!

hipyhop avatar Nov 08 '11 23:11 hipyhop

It seems to be the exact same error than what is reported in issues #23 and #22

Having put a prefix in there too, I just made a clean reinstall without a prefix too see if it made any difference. Still getting the error.

ovaillancourt avatar Nov 09 '11 01:11 ovaillancourt

Should be fixed

brainpicture avatar Nov 16 '11 21:11 brainpicture

Good stuff :D

Can we have the changes pushed to npm?


ovaillancourt avatar Nov 16 '11 21:11 ovaillancourt

+1 please publish to npm

timoxley avatar Nov 21 '11 12:11 timoxley

+1 please publish to npm

indygwyn avatar Nov 30 '11 17:11 indygwyn

Using the latest npm (1.1.0-alpha-6) I get no compilation errors though if I try using hashlib I get a "Cannot find module 'hashlib'" type of error. On the other hand when I use Way 2 to install it I have zero problems using hashlib.

muloka avatar Dec 04 '11 20:12 muloka

+1 please publish to npm

markbao avatar Dec 05 '11 21:12 markbao

+1 please publish to npm

jaw187 avatar Dec 14 '11 01:12 jaw187

+1 please publish to npm - https://github.com/Hiverness/hashlib/tarball/compat_fix_node_0_6_X has been taken down, which I was using for a while as a fix in my deploy

seejohnrun avatar Dec 15 '11 19:12 seejohnrun

@seejohnrun Hiverness changed his username, repo is still up: https://github.com/ovaillancourt/hashlib

timoxley avatar Dec 15 '11 20:12 timoxley

@secoif thanks!

seejohnrun avatar Dec 15 '11 20:12 seejohnrun

Oops! Sorry about that guys :P. It's indeed still available. (Changed username to have the same one than in irc chat/mailing list)

ovaillancourt avatar Dec 16 '11 13:12 ovaillancourt

Haha, thanks for keeping it up - I'd imagine a lot of people are using it :)

seejohnrun avatar Dec 16 '11 14:12 seejohnrun

@brainfucker any updates on the status of this RE npm? If there's anything blocking you, please let us know so we may help.

timoxley avatar Dec 16 '11 14:12 timoxley

With my new username:

npm install https://github.com/ovaillancourt/hashlib/tarball/compat_fix_node_0_6_X

to install the thing.

Just a quick word though, that fork of mine is in now way synced with the latest changes from Oleg in the real repo (this one). Also, his own fix to make things work on 0.6 are cleaner than mines (where I just hacked until it started working).

So: Use with caution!

ovaillancourt avatar Dec 19 '11 14:12 ovaillancourt


Baggz avatar Jan 07 '12 12:01 Baggz

for what it's worth, I cloned the project and pushed an updated npm as "hashlib2":


karlseguin avatar Feb 23 '12 03:02 karlseguin

Honestly I was thinking about it the other day and I think it might be better to use node's crypto.

It supports pretty much everything openssl supports in terms of algorithms, which means pretty much all of hashlib's algos...

I've been doing fine with note's "crypto" lib for 3-4 months now, doing some pretty intensive hashing without any problem/limitation.

ovaillancourt avatar Feb 23 '12 03:02 ovaillancourt

I also switched to crypto: http://seejohncode.com/2012/01/22/crypto-in-node-js

seejohnrun avatar Feb 23 '12 12:02 seejohnrun