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Terraform Redshift provider

Terraform Provider for AWS Redshift

This provider allows to manage with Terraform AWS Redshift objects like users, groups, schemas, etc..

It's published on the Terraform registry.


  • Terraform >= 1.0
  • Go 1.17 (to build the provider plugin)

Building The Provider

$ git clone [email protected]:brainly/terraform-provider-redshift

Enter the provider directory and build the provider

$ cd terraform-provider-redshift
$ make build


If you're new to provider development, a good place to start is the Extending Terraform docs.

Running Tests

Acceptance tests require a running real AWS Redshift cluster.

REDSHIFT_HOST=<cluster ip or DNS>
make testacc

If your cluster is only accessible from within the VPC, you can connect via a socks proxy:



Documentation is generated with tfplugindocs. Generated files are in docs/ and should not be updated manually. They are derived from:

  • Schema Description fields in the provider Go code.
  • examples/
  • templates/

Use go generate to update generated docs.


Builds and releases are automated with GitHub Actions and GoReleaser. The changelog is managed with github-changelog-generator.

Currently there are a few manual steps to this:

  1. Update the changelog:

    make changelog

    This will commit the changelog locally.

  2. Review generated changelog and push:

    View the committed changelog with git show. If all is well git push origin master.

  3. Kick off the release:

    make release

    Once the command exits, you can monitor the rest of the process on the Actions UI.

  4. Publish release:

    The Action creates the release, but leaves it in "draft" state. Open it up in a browser and if all looks well, click the publish button.