JavaNSQClient copied to clipboard
Fast Java client for NSQ
While doing a connection close, there is an Channel Inactive which is un-caught. Hence, the connection is not removed. So I'm left with a stale connection, and not able to...
It looks like this code from (around line 202) will sometimes throw a ConcurrentModificationException: ``` for (final ServerAddress server : Sets.difference(oldAddresses, newAddresses)) { LogManager.getLogger(this).info("Remove connection " + server.toString()); connections.get(server).close();...
Any plans to implement auth in this library?
I've created a consumer and a producer, and had to jump through some hoops to get the process to close. I ended up having to: - Create a NIOEventLoopGroup, and...
``` //curl -d 'message 1' 'http://localhost:4151/put?topic=test_snappy' //curl -d 'message 2' 'http://localhost:4151/put?topic=test_snappy' //curl -d 'message 3' 'http://localhost:4151/put?topic=test_snappy' NSQLookup lookup = new DefaultNSQLookup(); lookup.addLookupAddress("localhost", 4161); NSQConfig config = new NSQConfig(); config.setCompression(NSQConfig.Compression.SNAPPY); NSQConsumer...